
Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands 单元卷(含解析,含听力原文,含音频) 2023-2024学年人教版九年级英语全册

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:43次 大小:3778633Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands 单元卷 2023-2024学年人教版九年级英语全册 一、听力选择 1.Who will Joe ask for help when he has some problems A.His teacher. B.His mother. C.His best friend. 2. A.I agree. B.Smoke. C.Serious enough. 3. A.Do the dishes. B.Fold the clothes. C.Take out the rubbish. 4.What does Mary have to help her mother do A.Sweep the floor. B.Wash the clothes. C.Cook a meal. 5.What is the TV program about A.How to help street kids. B.How to help poor college students. C.How to help the homeless people. 6. A.Why B.See you later. C.No. I’ll be free tomorrow. 7. A.See you. B.All right. C.Sure, let’s go. 8. A.Sounds great. B.Congratulations! C.I hope so. 9. A.So do I. B.Nice idea! C.Not at all! 10. A.Sounds good. B.I’d love to. C.No, I don’t think so. 听1段对话,回答以下小题。 11.Where did Betty go last night A.Lao She Teahouse. B.Shichahai Park. C.National Theater. 12.How long did they stay there A.One hour. B.Two hours. C.Three hours. 听材料,回答小题。 13.What does Nancy think of Chemistry A.Interesting. B.Relaxing. C.Difficult. 14.What is the most important for learning Chemistry well A.Being interested in it. B.Doing more practice. C.Asking questions. 15.How often will Nancy go over the notes A.Once a day. B.Once a week. C.Twice a week. 听材料,完成下列小题。 16.For how many hours does the Sea World stay open A.9. B.8. C.7. 17.When is the Sea World closed A.In February. B.In March. C.In September. 18.Where can we see the short film about the sea A.In the Visitor Center. B.In the dining room. C.In the Office Center. 19.What’s the children’s favorite show at the Sea World A.The sea lion show. B.The penguin show. C.The dolphin show. 20.How much are the tickets for two adults and a kid A.240 yuan. B.320 yuan. C.400 yuan. 二、阅读理解 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 As we know, there are differences between Western culture and Chinese culture. 21 . Let’s look at some words about animals and plants. Most expressions in Chinese about the dog, for example, “a homeless dog”, “a mad dog”, “a running dog” and “a dog catching a mouse”, have bad meanings. 22 . In English, people use the dog to describe good actions. For example, “you are a lucky dog” means you are a lucky person. And “every dog has its day” means each person has good luck sometimes. To describe a person’s serious illness, they say “sick as a dog”. The word “dog tired” means very tired. 23 . But in Western culture, “cat” is often used to describe a woman who is unkind. There are many other examples of how “cat” is used differently as well. 24 . People think the rose stands for love, peace, courage and friendship. And the rose is the national flower of England, America and many other countries. 25 . We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words are used. A.However, Chinese love cats very ... ...

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