
Module 1—Module 6词形转换渐进式训练(含答案) 外研版英语八年级上册

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:41次 大小:26135Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 1—Module 6 一层 词形转换单词练 1. advice—    (动词)   2. choice—    (动词) 3. scientist—    (名词) 4. university—      (复数) 5. nature—    (形容词) 6. act—    (动词)—    (名词1)—    (名词2)—    (名词3) 7. interest—      (形容词1)—      (形容词2) 1. correct—    (形容词) 2. practise—    (名词) 3. understand—      (过去式) 4. forget—    (过去式) 5. pronounce—      (名词) 6. hurt—    (过去式) 7. beat—    (过去式) 8. cost—    (过去式) 9. grow—    (过去式) 10. feed—    (过去式) 11. miss—    (第三人称单数) 12. describe—    (第三人称单数) 13. please—    (形容词)    14. excite—    (形容词1)—    (形容词2) 15. relax—    (形容词1)—    (形容词2) 16. enjoy—    (形容词)     17. spell—    (名词) 1. wide—    (比较级)—    (最高级) 2. boring—    (比较级)—    (最高级) 3. exciting—      (比较级)—      (最高级) 4. relaxing—      (比较级)—      (最高级) 5. enjoyable—      (比较级)—      (最高级) 6. careless—     (比较级)—     (最高级)—    (副词)—    (反义词) 7. good/well—    (比较级)—    (最高级) 8. far—    (比较级)—    (最高级) 9. thin—    (比较级)—    (最高级) 10. confident—      (比较级)—      (最高级) 11. usual—    (副词) 12. quick—    (副词) 13. especial—    (副词) aloud—    (副词)—    (形容词) twenty—    (序数词) 二层 词形转换句子练 题型一: 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. My friend Dave helped me a lot by giving me some     (advise) on English learning. 2. There are several     (science) still doing research on this plan. 3. The streets are much     (wide) and cleaner than before. 4. Try to     (practice) playing the piano in your free time. 5. It's impolite to speak     (loud) in public. 6. Children must be careful of their     (spell). 7. Today is my cousin's     (twenty) birthday. 8. —Does John jump     (far) of all the students in his class —Yes, he does. 9. Boys and girls, the         (careful) you do your homework, the fewer mistakes you'll make. 10. They were     (excite) when they heard the     (excite) news. 题型二: 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。 (一) 1. —What does your aunt do, Mary —She is a very good     . I like to see her films. 2. —Is there anything      in this magazine?—I don't know. 3. The article gives students some      on how to stay safe online. 4. Amy enjoys the      world and wants to learn more about birds. 5. The new mobile phone      me nearly 3,000 yuan. (二) 1. The car will be quite small,     if you have children to travel with you. 2. Mike is an excellent chess player in the club and he of ... ...

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