
Module 1 Feelings and impressions 复习学案(无答案)2023-2024学年外研版英语八年级下册

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:58次 大小:21080Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 1复习学案 主备人: 授课人: 课型:____ 总课时数: 年 月 日 一、重点短语归纳: 一点_____ _____ 2.完成了,做好了 _____ 3.尝一尝,试试看 _____ 在中间_____5.收到--的来信 _____ 6.互相_____ 7.也 _____8.为--感到自豪_____ 9.擅长_____ 10.几个,一些_____ 11.以正确的方式_____ 12.对—感到兴奋_____ 13 在某方面帮助某人_____14. 与--握手_____15.与--交谈 _____ 16.对甜食的爱好_____17上学_____ 18.在山顶,在上面_____ 19听起来_____20.起初,首先_____21靠近,接近_____ 22对家人说谢谢_____ 23 给--发信息_____ 二、 重点句型集萃 1. 他长什么样?_____ 他是个什么样的人?_____ 2. a bit “有点,稍微”,a bit + 形容词或副词;a bit of+名词 Today is _____ _____ _____. (有点冷)。 There is _____ _____ _____(一点) meat. 3. Have a try! 意为 _____此处try 是____词。 Do you want to try a piece 中try是_____词。 尽力做某事_____ 尽某人最大努力做某事_____ 4. Thanks for your last message. 意为_____ Thanks for…=Thank ____ _____ 意为“因…而感谢你” 谢谢你的帮助。_____ _____your help. 谢谢你为我们制作了生日贺卡。Thank you _____ _____some birthday cards for us. 5. It was great to hear from you. 这个句型很常用,即It is +adj.(+for sb.)+to do sth..意为“(某人)做某事是…的”。例如对我们来说学好英语是很重要的。It is important for us_____ _____ English well. 三、语法聚焦: 1.系动词 1.感官系动词feel,sound,look,taste和smell的用法,后跟形容词作表语,需注意_____ 2 翻译句子①My pet cat _____(看起来可爱). ②The milk in the glass _____(闻起来很馊). ③This kind of soup _____(尝起来很咸). ④–How nice the shoes are! - Yea, they _____(感到很柔软). ⑤ –I’m going to be a singer. –That _____(听起来很棒). 当堂训练 A. 用 feel; look; smell; sound; taste 填空: 1. The milk _____ strong. 2. My sweater _____ soft. 3. The room _____ quiet. 4. These flowers _____ beautiful! 5. This pizza _____ delicious. 五.语法填空: Americans _____ (not touch) people a lot, especially_____ (strange). _____(副词) , they are usually friendly . They shake hands _____(介词)each other when they first meet or when they meet again. They smile a lot and say,“Let’s have lunch”, _____(连词)they aren’t being friendly———they are being polite . When two Americans are standing and talking, they don’t stay too close to each other. _____(连词) they meet some friends on the street while they are with _____(不定代词) else, it’s polite _____(introduce)the person. Americans look people in _____(冠词) eye, but they think it’s rude to stare. Americans sound _____(形容词) because they speak _____(loud). 六.书面表达: Ask students to write a reply to Lingling and describe themselves in the letter. Dear Lingling, Thank you for your message. I’m very glad to hear from you. You said you’ll come to our country next month. It’s great! I’ll meet you at the Berlin Station. I hope you can recognize me easily. I have short dark hair and I wear glasses. I’m about 1.60m tall and a little thin. I’ll wear a sweater and blue trousers for the journey. I’ve got your photo -- you look so tall and strong. So I’m sure we’ll find e ... ...

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