

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:32次 大小:33136Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年译林版八年级下册历年期末考试完成句子专练 题号 一 总分 得分 完成句子 1.你曾经在公共场合做过演讲吗? Have you ever ? 2.需要更多的志愿者和资金来继续开展我们的慈善工作。 More volunteers and money are needed to our charity work. 3.不论处境多么艰难,我们都绝不应放弃实现我们的梦想。 No matter how hard it is, we should never give up . 4.I think (对我们来说……是必要的) to learn a foreign language. 5.我们爱心义卖活动的目的是为贫困地区的孩子募集资金。 The purpose of our Charity Sales is children in poor areas. 6.对我们而言,与这些特殊运动员们密切合作,真是太棒了! It's great for us to . 记住,每个人都能做些事情来做些改变。 Remember that everyone can . 这架飞机也被用作一个训练中心。 This plane is also . 英国人认为在别人面前插队是粗鲁的。 British people think it's rude to . 10.在瑞士如玻璃类的东西被分类回收。 In Switzerland, things like glass are and then recycled. 11.They will say "excuse me", and (有礼貌地等你让开). 12.Many of our patients (没钱去医院看病), so we have to go to them. 13.Li Hai (尽了他最大努力) and (取得第四名). 14.These new types of energy (成本低廉) and (用之不竭). 15.他说得太快,不能清楚地表达自己的想法。 He speaks himself clearly. 16.很多贫困地区的病人没钱去医院。 Many patients in poor areas . 17.所有的国家正在紧密合作,一起对抗这场灾难。(work with....) All nations each other to fight against the disaster. 18.你应该避免再犯同样的错误。 You should again. 19.儿童靠父母供给衣食。 Children their parents for food and clothing. 20.对这些幸存者来说,不轻易放弃很重要。 It is important for these survivors . 21.昨天,这位病人在这家医院做了胃部手术。 The stomach operation of this patient in this hospital yesterday. 22.Rose 是中国通, 她和邻居们交流起来不费力。 Rose is an old China hand. She has her neighbors in Chinese. 23.他与我握手寒暄后离开了。 He and passed the time of day and then left. 你已经下定决心继续开展研究了吗 Have you already made with the research 25.米莉过去常常依赖父母,但现在她已经下定决心要自己做所有的事情。 Millie her parents, but now she do all the things by herself. 25.新型冠状病毒肺炎极易传染,人们很难控制这种疾病的传播。 COVID-19 is so infectious that it people to control this disease. 27.我妹妹自两年前就去北京工作了,不是为了钱,而是为了提高自己。 My sister in Beijing since two years ago, not for money, but . 28.由于虚拟现实科技,人们不必亲临其境即可游览国内外名胜。 VR technology, people can visit both at home and abroad instead of going there in person. 29.史密斯先生昨天警告他的儿子不要在马路上踢足球。 Mr Smith on the road yesterday. 那位著名的法国作家说他已经完成了第五部科幻小说。 says his fifth science fiction . 31将来,机器人对人们的生活会产生巨大的影响。 In the future, robots will people s lives. 32.借助于现代医学,越来越多的疾病能够被预防或治疗。 With the help of , more and more diseases can . 33.孩子们不应该过多依靠家长,学会独立很重要。 Kids shouldn t their parents too much. It s to be independent. 34.扬州如此之美,以致许多游客不停地拍照。 Yangzhou is so beautiful that many tourists . 35.在昨天的旅行中,孩子们 ... ...

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