
Module 1 Unit1-3 作业练习(含答案) 2023-2024学年外研版英语九年级上册

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:87次 大小:20906Byte 来源:二一课件通
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外研版 九上 Module 1 U1-3 作业练习 一、根据句意及汉语提示填空 1. China, the ancient and modern _____ (东方的)country, is attracting the world’s attention. 2. I’m proud that the Great Wall is one of the greatest _____(奇迹)in the world. 3. About 100 _____(百万) people used ChatGPT in the first two months. 4. Everyone should use less water and _____(电)at home so that we can save more energy. 5. The students often have _____(讨论) about different topics in class. 二、 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 sky, silver, remain, stream, below, beside, on top of 1. Put on your coat. The temperature outside is _____ zero. 2. With the use of more new energy cars, our _____ is becoming bluer. 3. In the picture, he sits _____ me, looking very happy. 4. Put the book _____ the others. 5. We _____ there for three hours though it was very hot yesterday. 6. The boy won a _____ medal in the 100-metre race. He was the second one to get to the finishing line. 7. Lucy puts my paper boats one by one on the running _____. 三、单项选择 1. Our physics teacher told us that the light _____ faster than sound. A. travel B. is travelling C. travels D. has travelled 2. — Which teacher will you miss the most after graduation — Mrs Chen. She encouraged me a lot when I _____ the English exam. A. fail B. was failing C. failed D. have failed 3. —Jim, I’ve got a problem with my car. Could you help me — Sorry, not right now. I _____ a short video. A. make B. have made C. am making D. was making 4. I’ve just got two tickets! I _____ to see the new movie with Tony. A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone 5. Jack _____ a lot of Chinese traditions since he began to live in China. A. learns B. learned C. is learning D. has learned 6. The old lady is going to give a great deal of money to the charity, _____ she is not rich enough. A. because B. but C. since D. though 7. — China is a great country with a history of about five ____ years. — Yes. And ____ of foreigners come to visit it every year. A. thousand; thousand B. thousands; thousands C. thousand; thousands D. thousands; thousand 8. Jeff and Jack are talking about Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Why don’t you ____ A. warm up B. join in C. come true D. hurry up 9. —I think robots are very helpful. —I ____ you. They make our life easier. A. wait for B. agree with C. worry about D. ask for 10. —Whose English book is this —It might be Lily’s, but ____. A. I’m not sure B. I don’t like it C. I don’t mind it D. I don’t have it 四、根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 起飞时, 我突然感觉飞机向下倾斜了一下. When the plane was taking off, suddenly I felt the plane _____ _____. 2. 在街道的另一边你看到了什么 What did you see on the _____ _____ _____ the street 3. 哈里从电梯里出来, 然后上了汽车. Harry _____ _____ _____ the lift and then got into his car. 4. 爷爷喜欢站在这里眺望大海. Grandpa likes standing here and _____ _____the sea. 5. 这些鱼生活在海底. The fish live _____ _____ _____ of the ocean. 答案 一、 1.estern 2.wonders 3.million 4.electric ... ...

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