

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:93次 大小:56525Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年外研版七年级下册期末选词填空专练 题号 一 二 总分 得分 一、选词填空-句子:本大题共1小题,共5分。 1.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 be careful with, at the moment, in a hurry, welcome to, hundreds of, look for, three kilos of, from now on, such as, lost and found office (1) They _____ their books. (2) Li Xiang knows lots of Western food, _____ hamburgers and French fries. (3) He bought _____ apples. (4) _____ my school. It's very beautiful. (5) There is a duck and two dogs at the _____. (6) This kind old man is not rich but he helps _____ poor children. (7) You must study hard _____ and be a good boy. (8) Little Tom is very lazy. He often goes to school _____ without breakfast. (9) _____ that glass. Don't break it. (10) The children are playing football on the playground _____. 2. sale (n.); problem(n); get (v); take (v); safe (adj.); meaning (n.); easy (adj). I'm not a shopaholic! I don't like shopping at all! I admit it. I hate(讨厌) shopping because it (1) me lots of time, money and energy in the past. In fact, I hate it so much that I only go clothes shopping once a year. I wait for the (2) to start, and then go into town to buy all my clothes for the year. I shop around for the cheapest things not the ones I like best. I try them on and, as long as they fit me, I buy them. I don't keep the receipt(收据), as I know I won't go back to the shop if there are (3) . Also, I always pay cash, as I don't want to get a huge credit card bill(信用卡账单)at the end of the month. And if I really need something, I do online shopping. And I usually have a shopping list. It's very (4) —you can look through it at home and make your decisions without a shop assistant around you trying (5) you to buy something you don't want! So, in this way I can save much time to do something (6) to me. 3. classical(adj. );singer (n. );wrote(v);songs(n. );famous(adj);studied(v) Nina Simone Nina Simone was one of the best musicians of the 20th century. She sang folk(民谣),blues, and jazz music. Nina told stories with her(1) . She also sang about ideas important to her. At a very young age, Nina showed interest in music. She started playing the piano when she was three years old. As a kid, she played the piano in her mother's church. She also(2) classical music. She learned to play the music of great(3) musicians, including Beethoven and Bach. As a(4) ,Nina became famous for her beautiful, powerful voice. She put folk, blues, and jazz together to write many well-known songs such as I Put A Spell On You and My Baby Just Cares For Me. Nina Simone also(5) songs for African Americans' equality(平等). Today, she is(6) as one of the key voices for African Americans. 4. classical (adj.) singer (n.) wrote (v.) songs (n.) famous (adj.) studied (v.) Nina Simone Nina Simone was one of the best musicians of the 20th century. She sang folk, blues, and jazz music. Nina told stories with her (1) . She also sang about ideas important to her. At a ve ... ...

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