
人教版(2024)Unit 7 Happy Birthdays Section A 1a-2e课件+音频(共38张PPT)人教版七年级上册

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:60次 大小:43472256Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 7 Section A (1a-2e) How much are these socks Miss Zhu’s Clothes Store T-shirt skirt sweater jacket hat trousers shorts shoes socks T-shirt jacket sweater skirt trousers shoes socks shorts Rhythm Master节奏大师 Game Time 游戏规则: 1. 图中的四道分别代表1、2、3、4组。 2. 当图片恰好掉落到底端时,对应的小组全体起立、大声说出单词。 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 different sizes a big purple hat a small red hat size+color+noun a long yellow T-shirt a short yellow T-shirt size+color+noun What do they need ¥ yuan one yuan five yuan ten yuan ¥1 ¥5 ¥10 $ dollar $1 $5 $10 one dollar five dollars ten dollars How much is... It’s... How much are... They’re... I’m too busy! I need helpers! 员工考核 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 三轮考核后,的金币最多者成为本店最佳员工。 know all the prices talk to customers politely act out the conversation 员工考核 考核:听说能力 Task 1 1b Listen and circle the things you hear. 2b Listen and circle the things you hear. 2c Listen and fill in the price. $5 $8 $6 $7 $2 $9 员工考核 考核:文明礼貌 Task 2 笑脸相迎 Welcome to Miss Zhu’s Clothes Store. 主动询问 Can I help you / What can I do for you 热心推荐 How about... 告知价格 It’s/ They’re...yuan/ dollar(s). 双手奉上 Here you are. 2e How much is it How much are they I’ll take it/ them. 员工考核 考核:实战模拟 Task 3 导购 尽情推销我们店里的衣服。 顾客 上台挑选喜欢的衣服,放进购物袋。 How much is... It’s... How much are... They’re... 员工考核 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 √ √ √ Congratulations! Thanks for your hard work! Summary Clothes T-shirt jacket sweater skirt trousers shoes socks shorts How much is... It’s... How much are... They’re... Summary Smile to everyone. Be polite to every customer. Be friendly to every person in your life. In this way, you will be happy! Summary It’s hard work to make money. So use it wisely. Every coin should be put to good use. Summary Is it easy to make money Level A: Suppose you have to purchase the grocery for your family this weekend, within 100 yuan, how do you plan to spend the money Go to the supermarket to learn about the prices and make a shopping list. Level B: If you could open a store, what would you like to sell Collect the information of the things you want to sell. Homework

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