

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:27次 大小:113291Byte 来源:二一课件通
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北京市海淀区2024届高三下学期一模英语试卷 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、完形填空 It was 4:30 pm. As I was packing up, I noticed my colleague had left his laptop bag in the office. So I decided to bring it to him. It took me about 15 minutes to get to his house, where I 1 the bag and got right back on the road. Suddenly a snowstorm came and within minutes I was in a whiteout. I stopped because I was afraid of driving into a farmer’s field, or worse. I kept the car 2 to stay warm and called 911.They told me to sit tight and wait things out for the night. Those seconds after the call were 3 . Breathe, I told myself. Panicking won’t help. I texted my colleague, joking about my good deed ending in 4 . He suggested I share a satellite view of my 5 on my social media. And I did so, praying that anyone who knew the residents of the nearby farms could get me rescued. Waiting in the car, I doubted whether 6 would be able to come. Soon enough, though, I got a message from someone who was going to put me in touch with them. At 8 pm, I saw a tall figure in a yellow raincoat striding toward me in the dark, carrying a flashlight. I’d never been more 7 to see someone in my life. It was André Bouvier, who’d walked about 550 yards to come get me, fighting the wind and snow each step of the way. He turned around and started to trudge through the snow, sure of the direction. I drove behind him, feeling my heart begin to beat more 8 . When we reached his house, I burst into tears, all my fears turning into relief and 9 . The experience has been a game changer for me. I now 10 challenges with a sense of calm I’d not known before. But best of all, it brought André into my life. 1.A.dropped off B.filled up C.set aside D.put away 2.A.locked B.parked C.signaling D.running 3.A.painful B.critical C.disappointing D.impressive 4.A.failure B.smoke C.disaster D.mystery 5.A.route B.location C.direction D.destination 6.A.news B.help C.hope D.faith 7.A.satisfied B.surprised C.relieved D.worried 8.A.slowly B.excitedly C.nervously D.strongly 9.A.recognition B.admiration C.satisfaction D.appreciation 10.A.identify B.present C.approach D.anticipate 二、短文填空 11. A parent’s nightmare turned to relief in Florida as policemen swiftly rescued a missing five-year-old girl with autism. The local police launched a desperate search, ① _____ (use) air and ground efforts. Thermal imaging (热成像) ② _____ (lead) to the discovery of her in a swampy area. A body-worn camera captured the heroic moment of her rescue. ③ _____ policemen’s quick response, she was found unharmed. The public praised the team’s efficiency in turning ④ _____ could have been a tragedy into a heartwarming reunion. 12. Li-ion batteries store a lot of energy in a small amount of space. When that energy is released in an uncontrolled manner, it generates heat, ① _____ can transform certain internal battery components into burnable gases. Consumers should purchase batteries that ar ... ...

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