
人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Reading and Thinking课件(共24张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:27次 大小:26070739Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Have you ever thought about studying abroad What are some benefits of studying abroad Warming up Have you ever thought about studying abroad What are some benefits of studying abroad Warming up Learn to adapt to the new environment. Boost confidence Help build a strong business in the future . Act as a cultural messenger building a bridge. Make new friends with peers. Be more self-independent and an autonomous learner. Period 1 Reading and Thinking: “Welcome, Xie Lei” Business Student Building Bridges To build or form a relationship Get to know Xie Lei’s experience in the UK; Trace the changes of Xie Lei’s feelings; Learn how Xie Lei helped to build bridges between China and the UK; At the end of this class, you will be able to… Lead-in Activity: Think and share 1.Who is Xie Lei Who is saying “Welcome, Xie Lei !” 2.Where is the article probably from Reading Activity1: Read to check *** 1.Who is Xie Lei Who is saying “Welcome, Xie Lei !” 2.Where is the article probably from *** A student majoring in business went to Britain on a year-long exchange programme. I think the foreign friends are welcoming her to experience a new life. A. a science magazine B. a school newspaper C. a travel journal D. an advertisement brochure Activity 2: Read for main ideas and structure P2: Her purposes of coming to the UK P1: Xie Lei came to study in London. repeated words Activity 2: Read for main ideas and structure P3: Her difficulties in getting used to a new way of life P4: The benefits of living with a host family Activity 2: Read for main ideas and structure P5: The academic challenges for her P6: Her participation in class Activity 2: Read for main ideas and structure P7: Her participation in social activities P8: Editors’ best wishes to her P7: Her participation in social activities P3: Her difficulty in getting used to a new way of life P4: The benefits of living with a host family P8: Editors’ best wishes to her Activity 2: Read for main ideas and structure P2: Her purposes of coming to the UK P1: Xie Lei came to study in London P6: Her participation in class P5: The academic challenges for her Part 1 Background Introduction Part 2 Challenges Xie Lei met & how she handled them. Part 3 Activity 3: Read Para 3-6&figure out how Xie overcame challenges. Challenges What Xie Lei did Daily life adaptation to a whole new life learnt to _____ learnt to _____ asked for _____ loneliness lived with _____ Academic requirements writing an essay got help from _____; _____ a lot to prepare participating in ____ and giving _____ gave a presentation on _____ use public transport ask for things she didn’t know the English names for a host family her tutor read class presentations traditional Chinese art help from passers-by when she got lost Reading Activity: Summarize Use a few sentences to summarize Xie Lei’s experience in the UK. The article is about how a Chinese girl, Xie Lei, manages to a ne ... ...

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