
人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 5 Music Discovering Useful Structures课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:99次 大小:1991998Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Non-finite Verb 3. 复杂句(简称复句)Complex Sentence 一个句子中有其他句子在该句中充当成分,则整个句子为复杂句,即句子中有句子 What he said is not true. The students would have made better grades if they had studied hard. 语法系统构建 1. 简单句 Simple Sentence 指只包含一个主谓结构的句子 The students have made better grades in the past few years. 英语中有四种句子 2. 并列句 Compound Sentence 指两个及两个以上简单句由并列连词and, or, but, so等并列连词构成的句子 The students studied hard and they made better grades. 4. 并列复杂句 Compound-complex Sentence 并列句+复杂句 They watched television and enjoyed themselves, but we couldn’t see the program because our television was broken. 目录 CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 什么是非限定动词/非谓语 非谓语的分类 非谓语的书写 重难点 What What How Difficult and key points 非限定动词就是我们常说的非谓语动词,但前者更为规范精确,它包含三种形式, 不定式、-ing分词和-ed分词 限定动词 非限定动词 一. What is non-finite verb 有“非限定动词”就有“限定动词”,“限定”顾名思义有“限制”的含义。“限定动词”指受时态、三单等限制的动词,如does, did, will have done等等;而“非限定动词”则指不受这些限制,既包括to do, doing, done。我们常说,在英文的一个完整句子中,仅有一个动词,也就是仅有一个限定动词 不定式 ed分词 非限定动词 ing分词 动名词 现在分词 Drill 探索限定动词与非限定动词。找出下列句子中的限定动词与非限定动词。 She has no friend to depend on. Sending people to other planets or even beyond the solar system is not an easy goal to achieve. Seeing is believing. Having dressed up nicely, we went out to have some good local food and enjoy the celebrations. My cousin is very interested in painting. Well known as a successful band, the Impact members show quite a few striking abilities. 为什么会有“非限定动词”?它有什么作用? 一. What is non-finite verb She has no friend to depend on. Having dressed up nicely, we went out to have some good local food and enjoy the celebrations. “非限定动词”就是简化(simplification)的结果。在修辞的角度上来看,语言追求的就是清晰(clear)和简洁(concise)。如果按照句子从低级到高级的程度来排列的话,那么简单句则是低级句型,合句和复句是中级句型,用非限定动词简化后的从句就是高级句型。而这种简化,则是对我们所学过的复句(名词从句、形容词从句和副词从句)进行简化,简化后就会出现“非限定动词”。 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 简单句 复句、合句 简化后… 什么句子可以简化? 如何简化? 用词上?句意上?没有的话如何传达意思? 二. How to classify(分类) non-finite verb 功能分类:充当主语、宾语、状语、定语… 不定式 ed分词 非限定动词 ing分词 动名词 现在分词 形式分类: 形容词从句 副词从句 不定式 ing分词 ed分词 简化 ed分词不具有名词词性! 为什么少了一条箭头呢? 名词从句 三. How to simplify sentences 以be动词为基础(若没有be动词则需要自己添加),适当省略be动词、连接词和重复的部分 Helen is the most beautiful girl in the world. The town is three miles away. There is a book on the table. The party is on Friday evening. 对比be动词与实义动词翻译的区别 Birds are lovely. Birds fly. Bird ... ...

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