
外研版九年级上册Module 1Wonders of the world导学案(共课时,无答案)

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:26次 大小:38200Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1 It’s more than 2,000 years old. 主备人: 审核人:初三英语组 时间: 班级: 姓名: 【学习目标】 1.知识目标、掌握本单元单词和短语。 2.能力目标:掌握并灵活运用下列句子: 3.情感目标:听懂有关世界奇迹景观的简短对话并能利用不同时态的句型介绍世界奇迹景观。 【自主学习】 Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. 虽然; 尽管(conj. )  _____2. (声音)响亮的(adj. ) _____ 3. nature(n. )→ _____(adj. )大自然的4. discuss(v. )→ _____(n. )讨论; 商讨 5. east(n. ) → _____ (adj. )在东边的; 来自东边的 6. 奇观,奇迹_____ 7. 电 _____ Ⅱ. 短语互译 1. 世界奇迹_____ _____ the world 2. 按某人的意见 ___ one’s_____3. 数百万的; 无数的_____ of 4. join in _____5. agree with _____ 6. more than _____7. at the top _____ 8. 几千米远 _____ III. 完成句子。 1. 我从未见过它,所以我不确定是否同意你的观点。 I’ve _____ _____ it, _____ I’m not sure I _____ _____ you. 2. 它大约1,700米宽,100米高。 It’s about 1,700 _____ _____ and 100 _____ _____. 3. 现在,谁想先打电话? Now, who’d _____ _____ _____ first 【学习过程】 Step1. Warming-up : Free talk 1. Look at some pictures of the wonders of the world. 2. Talk about the pictures. 3.Match the names of the wonders with the pictures on the right and on the next page Step2Listening Listen and check Step3.Listen and answer: Which places are they mentioned in the conversation _____ When did Tony visit the Giant’s Causeway _____- How wide and how high is the Victoria Falls _____ Step4.Listen again and check (√) the true sentences. 1. Tony thinks the Giant’s Causeway is the largest natural wonder.( ) 2.Lingling thinks the Victoria Falls are more fantastic than the Giant’s Causeway. ( ) 3. Betty and Daming are more interested in man-made wonders. ( ) 4.For Daming, the Three Gorges Dam is more fantastic than the Terracotta Army. ( ) Step5. Read and answer. Where is the Giant’s Causeway _____ How wide are Victoria Falls _____ What wonders does Betty think are more exciting _____ How old is the Terracotta Army _____ Step 6. Describe and retell Step 7. Work in pairs. Make a list of wonders of the world. Say which one you would like to visit and why. 【合作探究】 1. I think natural wonders are more interesting than man-made ones. 1) I think 为主句,后面是省略了连接词that的宾语从句。 Exercise:I _____ _____ is more difficult than English. 2) ones 作代词,指代wonders. ones 指代复数名词,同类不同物。 Exercise: These pictures are more colourful than those _____. 2. Hm, I’ve never seen it, so I’m not sure I agree with you. 1) 并列连词so 连接两个分句, 表因果关系。 如:The work has been finished, so you needn’t come. 2) be (not) sure (不) 确定。 其后接不定式,也可接从句。 Exercise:I’m sure _____ _____.我确定不来。 I’m _____ _____(不确定) you are right. 3. They’re about 1,700 metres wide and 100 metres high. 1) 物体长、宽、高等的表达为:数词+计量词+ long/wide/high. 它相当于 “ 数词+计量词+in length/width/height”. Exercise:The river is about 2,000 metres long. = The river is about 2,000 _____ _____ _____. 2) 作为合成形容词时,单位名词 ... ...

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