
牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5 Wild animals Period 2 课时训练(含答案)

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:51次 大小:21784Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第2课时 Reading(1) 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1.Our government made some l_____ to care about the left-behind kids. 2. A_____ speak louder than words. 3. Let's ask the h_____ not to kill wild animals. 4. —Why did you buy a second-hand car —I couldn't afford a new one, but even an old one is better than n_____ . 5. Grain Buds, one of the 24 solar terms, marks the b_____ of summer harvest. 二、选用方框内的单词或词组的正确形式填空。 face, nowhere, mean, result, live on 1. Giant pandas mainly _____ bamboo shoots and leaves. 2. Let me announce(宣布)the _____ of the competition. 3. Mr. Lee told her _____ her mistake. 4. When driving, you need to know the red light _____ you must stop. 5. It is raining so hard. We have to stay at home. We have _____ else to go. 三、根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. You can see _____ everywhere in this poor country. (mouse) 2. More and more teenagers have poor eyesight, so parents and teachers should take action _____ the situation from getting worse. (stop) 3. I have no place _____ . How sad I am! (go) 4. _____ , we lost the match in the end last Friday. (sad) 5. Now many giant pandas are in _____ . (dangerous) 四、单项选择。 1. ———Food Safety”problem is becoming _____ these days. —I think so. The government must do something to deal with it. A. smaller and smaller B. worse and worse C. better and better D. nicer and nicer 2. When I met Sandy at the station _____ the first time, she was in the hall _____ . A. for; alone B. at; alone C. for; lonely D. /; lonely 3. —Doctor, what's wrong with me —_____ serious. You have just got a cold. A. Something B. Nothing C. Everything D. Anything 4. The boy _____ his father. He _____ playing football. A. is like; look like B. looks like; likes C. look likes; likes D. likes; is like 5. —Do Indian people speak English —Not exactly! They _____ speak Hindi, but their second language is English. A. specially B. simply C. mainly D. most 五、完形填空。 Old Mother Wind told the Tree, “I've just come across the grass, and there I saw the Best Thing in the World.” Bobby Mouse was sitting under the Tree and ___1___ those words. He thought, “the Best Thing in the World—now what can that be It must be lots of nuts! I'll go and find it.” Bobby Mouse ran down towards the ___2___ . He was running so fast that he didn't see Peter Rabbit ___3___ Peter Rabbit jumped out and asked, “Where are you going in such a hurry ” “Down in the grass to find the Best Thing in the World, ”Bobby Mouse replied and ran ___4___ . “The Best Thing in the World ” said Peter Rabbit. "That must be lots of carrots. I'll go and find it.” So Peter Rabbit ___5___ him. Before long, they met Johnny Chuck. “Where are you going in such a hurry ” asked Johnny Chuck. “To find the Best Thing in the World,” they shouted. “The Best Thing in the World ” said Johnny Chuck. “ ___6___ is better than my own little home and the warm sunshine and the beautiful blue sky.” So he stayed at home an ... ...

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