
外研(新标准)版八年级上册 Module 8 Accidents (三课时共66张PPT)

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:25次 大小:671579Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 8 Accidents Unit 1 新知 教材链接 Ⅰ.请听教材Activity 2, 选择最佳答案 1.What was the driver doing when the accident happened A.He was driving along the road. B.He was looking at a boy. C.He was not using his mobile phone. 2.Was the driver going fast A.Yes, he was. B.No, he wasn’t. C.We don’t know. 3.What lesson do we learn about the accident A.We should drive fast on the road. B.We can’t look around when driving. C.We mustn’t use the mobile phone when driving. Ⅱ.请根据教材Activity 3,回答问题 1.What happened while the lights were changing to red _____ 2.What happened to the boy _____ 3.What do you think about when you’re on your bike _____ A car suddenly appeared round the corner. He fell off his bike and hurt his knee. Think about the risk of an accident. 考点 核心解读 考点1.While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.当交通灯变红时,一辆汽车突然出现在拐角处。(教材P64) ◆corner / k n / n.拐角;街角 考点解读 corner的用法如下: corner作名词,意为“拐角;角落;角”。 常见短语: (1)in the corner在角落里 (2)at/on the corner在拐角处 (3)in the corner of在……的角落 (4)round the corner 在附近;即将来临 *Happiness is just round the corner. 幸福即将来临。 语用迁移 ①男孩快速跑过拐角处去找妈妈。那很危险。 The boy ran quickly _____ ____ _____ to look for his mother.It’s very dangerous. ②Please turn left _____(在第二个拐角处). round the corner at the second corner 考点2.The car stopped just in time, but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee. 汽车恰好及时停了下来,但是男孩从自行车上摔了下来并伤到了膝盖。(教材P64) ◆in time 及时 考点解读 in time及时地;准时地(在某个特定的时间之前或之内) 【拓展】on time 按时:在规定的时间内完成;不延迟。 准时:按照预定的时间进行;不延误或提前。 *The bus came right on time. 公共汽车正好准时到达。 语用迁移 用in time 和on time 填空 ①—Excuse me, will the flight arrive soon —Yes.It will be landing right _____. ②Luckily, some firemen arrived _____and put out the fire. ③I think every student should get to school _____,but some of them are always late. on time in time on time 考点3.Pay attention, stop at the red lights and...注意红灯亮时要停下……(教材P64) ◆pay attention 注意;留心 考点解读 (1)pay attention “注意;留心”,用于提醒他人注意。 (2)pay attention to“注意;留意”,to 为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。 (3)pay attention to +宾语从句 (4)catch one’s attention 引起某人的注意 语用迁移 ①You should pay attention to _____ (use)the knife. ②汉译英:作为学生,我们应该在课堂上注意听老师讲课。 _____ using As students, we should pay attention to listening to the teachers in class. 考点4.What else 还有其他的什么 (教材P64) Anything else 还有其他的吗 (教材P64) ◆ else /els/ adv.其他;另外 考点解读 (1)else常常作后置定语,放在疑问代/副词或不定代/副词之后。 (2)else 和other的辨析 两者意义相同,都表示“另外(的);其他(的)”。区别如下: else 位于疑问代词或 不定代词之后 what else, who else, something else, nobody else等* 位于疑问副词或 不定副词之后 w ... ...

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