
Unit 5 Wild animals 单元测试卷(含解析)牛津版译林英语八年级上学期

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:68次 大小:347617Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2025译林牛津版英语八年级上学期 Unit 5 Wild animals 一、单项选择(共10小题,计10分) (  )1.(2023·安徽池州五校模拟改编)Everyone should learn how to act wisely in the face of     or in trouble. A. danger  B. support  C. secret  D. instruction (  )2.—Excuse me, how can I get to the West Lake —Oh,     of these buses will take you there at this time. You can only take a taxi. A. all B. both C. none D. neither (  )3.—Lost time is never found again. —Yes, it is a(n)     . A. report B. shame C. record D. act (  )4.I hope my students can be     about English and take English classes     . A. serious; seriously B. seriously; serious C. serious; serious D. seriously; seriously (  )5.The zookeeper told the travellers     the birds in the zoo any more. That's bad for birds. A. to feed B. feeding C. not feeding D. not to feed (  )6.(2023·吉林长春二道区英俊中学模拟改编)—Many students feel stressed out     too much schoolwork. —Don't worry. After-school courses are not allowed to be taken. Students will have more free time to enjoy themselves. A. because B. so C. so that D. because of (  )7.—Where will you go next weekend —Well, I am not sure. My parents     take me to our hometown. A. may B. must C. should D. need (  )8.(2023·江西萍乡月考改编)Though Jack failed at school, he didn't end up failing in life, because he     every chance to learn and he finally succeeded. A. lost B. killed C. caught D. faced (  )9.He didn't listen to the teacher carefully.     , he couldn't answer the questions. A. For example B. By the way C. As a result D. In the future (  )10.—I'm afraid I can't go swimming with you tomorrow. You know, the exam is around the corner. —Really     A. You're welcome. B. That's great. C. What a pity! D. No problem. 二、完形填空(共10小题,计15分)   Alex was a giraffe that lived in a zoo with his mum, dad and other giraffe friends. As Alex grew, he  11  his neck was much shorter than the others'. He began to get  12 . But his mother told him that he was special. She said it did not matter how short or long his neck was.   Alex tried not to think about his short  13 . As his friends grew taller and taller, his neck still  14  short. Sometimes the other giraffes  15  him, but his parents told him not to worry. They said that he should be happy with the way he was. He tried, but he could not even play some giraffe sports. He was just too  16 .   One day, one of the zoo workers came and took Alex away. Alex was frightened. Would he have to leave the zoo just  17  he didn't have a long neck The zoo worker calmed Alex down and gave him some food. He felt better. Then he led Alex into another area of the zoo. There was a small  18  between the two areas. Alex was the only giraffe that could fit through it.   Soon Alex's parents came to see him. "I told you that you were special," his mother said. "The zoo has made a place just for  1 ... ...

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