
2024年中考英语高频考点(二)— 冠词附练习(含答案)

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:61次 大小:21285Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考英语高频考点(二)— 冠词附练习及答案 (一)不定冠词 1.不定冠词a用在读音以辅音音素开头的单词前,an用在读音以元音音素开头的单词前。 a book 一本书 an hour一小时 2.表示初次提到的人或物。 This is a new watch.这是一块新手表。 3.泛指一类人或物。 I'm a student.我是一名学生。 4.表示数量“一” ,相当于 one。 There is a bike under the tree. 树下有一辆自行车。 (二)定冠词 1.特指某(些)人或某(些)物。 The girl with glasses is my cousin. 那个戴眼镜的女孩是我表妹。 2.指上文提到过的人或事物。 There is a chair near the door. The chair was made by my grandfather.门附近有一把椅子。 那把椅子是我爷爷做的。 3.用在序数词、形容词最高级前。 February is the second month of the year. 二月是一年中的第二个月。 This is the biggest park in our city. 这是我们城市最大的公园。 4.用在乐器名词前。 I can play the piano.我会弹钢琴。5.用在世界上独一无二的事物前。 the earth 地球 the sun 太阳 (三)零冠词 1.可数名词前已有作定语的物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格及some,any修饰时。Tomorrow is his ninth birthday. 明天是他的九岁生日。 2.用在学科名称、三餐、游戏、棋类和球类运动名称前。 have breakfast吃早饭 play soccer 踢足球Chinese is interesting.语文很有趣。 3.by 与交通工具名词连用时。 by bus 乘公共汽车 巩固提升 一、单项选择。 1. Perhaps the famous football star won't play__football any longer. A. a B. an C. the D./ 2. It is a good habit to go to __bed early and get up early. A. a B. an C. the D./ 3. In addition to ____stamps, he also likes collecting _____. A. collect; watchs B. collecting; watches C. collect; watches D. collecting; watchs 4.—Would you please give me_____ paper —Of course! Here you are. a piece of B. many a C. a lots D. many 122 5. Either of the two clothes you well. A. suit B. suits C. suitable D. suited 6. Mary is famous her beautiful voice a singer. A. as; for B. for; as C. for; for D. from; for 7. The_____on the tree turn yellow in autumn. A. leaf B. leafs C. leaves D. leafes 8. She recommended_____ the ticket as soon as possible. A. to book B. booking C. books D. booked 9. I will go to see a doctor to ask for some____ about my heart trouble. A. advices B. advice C. advise D. suggestion 10. Size and shape give obvious evidence, as large animals____ do these things. A. tends to B. tend for C. tend to D. tends for 11. She_____ 2 hours _____her homework yesterday. A. spends; on B. spent; doing C. spent; at D. spend; on 12. Everyone_____ their ideas and strength. A. contribute B. contribution C. contributes D. contributions 13. Either you or I _____going there tomorrow. A. am B. is C. are D. be 14. She is one of my closest_____ . friendship B. friend C. friendly D. friends 二、用 a、an、the、“/”完成句子。 1. We have cat and two dogs._cat is black and the dogs are white. 2. I'll be able to finish it in hour or two. 3.Smiths live next to us. 4. There is _____ local shop for people to buy daily things in the small village. 5. We meet twice ____ week. 6. My friend is interested in ____ science. 7. The sun rises in ____ east. 8. I caught bad cold and had to stay in ____ bed. 9. ... ...

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