
人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 5 Languages Around the World Discovering Useful Structures 教学设计

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:50次 大小:16243Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Languages Around the World - Discovering Useful Structures 教学设计 I. Teaching Background This lesson is focused on the Discovering Useful Structures section of Unit 5 Languages Around the World in the People's Education Press (2019) Compulsory First Volume. The unit explores the diverse world of languages and their importance. The Discovering Useful Structures part aims to help students understand and master specific grammatical structures related to the topic. II. Teaching Objectives Students will be able to recognize and use the target grammatical structures correctly. They will improve their understanding of the relationship between form and meaning in language. Through various activities, students will enhance their language awareness and communication skills. Students will develop the ability to apply the learned structures in real-life situations. III. Teaching Materials Textbook: People's Education Press (2019) Compulsory First Volume. Multimedia resources such as PPT, videos, and audio clips related to different languages. Handouts with examples and exercises. IV. Teaching Procedures A. Warm-up (5 minutes) Play a short audio clip of different languages being spoken. Ask students to guess which languages they hear. Initiate a brief discussion about the variety of languages in the world. B. Introduction to the Structures (10 minutes) Present the target grammatical structures on the board or through a PPT. Explain the basic rules and functions of these structures. Use simple and clear examples to illustrate. C. Contextual Understanding (15 minutes) Students read the relevant texts in the textbook that contain the target structures. Guide them to identify and analyze how the structures are used in the context. Discuss the meanings and implications of the structures in the specific texts. D. Pattern Practice (20 minutes) Provide a set of exercises or sentence completion tasks on the handouts. Students work individually or in pairs to complete the tasks, using the target structures. Circulate around the classroom to offer assistance and answer questions. E. Group Work (15 minutes) Divide students into small groups. Each group is given a topic related to languages or communication. Students are required to use the target structures to create short dialogues or conversations on the topic. F. Presentation and Feedback (10 minutes) One or two groups present their dialogues or conversations to the class. The rest of the class listens and provides feedback on the use of the structures. Encourage students to offer suggestions for improvement. G. Summary and Reinforcement (5 minutes) Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the target structures and their applications. Provide a few additional examples or exercises for students to reinforce their understanding. H. Extension Activity (10 minutes) Ask students to research and find examples of the target structures in real-life language use, such as in advertisements, news articles, or ... ...

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