
Module 8 Accidents知识清单 2024-2025学年英语外研版八年级上册(学案)

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:96次 大小:26674Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 8 Accidents Unit 1 Ⅰ.写·单词 1.(肤色)苍白的adj.    pale 2.出现;显露 v. appear 3.转到(某物的)另一边prep. round 4.拐角;街角n. corner 5.(使)碰撞v. hit 6.高兴的;欢喜的adj. glad 7.危险;风险n. risk 8.注意力 n. attention 9.(物体或形状的)侧面 n. side Ⅱ.写·词块 1.看起来苍白    look pale 2.还好;好的 all right 3.听音乐 listen to music 4.等待过马路 wait to cross the road 5.变成红色 change to red 6.在拐角处 round the corner 7.用手机打电话 talk on the mobile phone 8.高兴做某事 be glad to do sth. 9.从……跌落 fall off... 10.及时 in time 11.骑自行车 ride a bike/on a bike 12.思考,考虑 think about 13.事故的风险 the risk of an accident 14.注意;留心 pay attention 15.并排地;肩并肩地 side by side Ⅲ.写·句子 1.我正等着要过马路。 I was waiting to cross the road. 2.当交通信号灯正要变红时,一辆汽车突然出现在拐角处。 While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner. 3.司机正在用手机打电话。 The driver was talking on his mobile phone. 4.汽车恰好及时停了下来,但男孩从自行车上摔下来,膝盖受伤了。 The car stopped just in time, but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee. 5.所以当你骑自行车的时候,想想发生事故的危险! So when you’re on your bike, think about the risk of an accident! 6.还有其他的吗 Anything else 7.不要和你的朋友们并肩骑车。 Don’t ride side by side with your friends. Unit 2 Ⅰ.写·单词 1.爬;攀爬v. climb 2.扔;掷v. throw 3.冰箱n. fridge 4.痛;疼痛n. pain 5.药;药物 n. medicine 6.咬;叮v.bite→(过去式)bit 7.躲;躲藏 v.hide→(过去式)hid 8.bad/badly→worse(比较级) adj.更糟的;更坏的adv.更糟;更严重 Ⅱ.写·词块 1.用某物来做某事  use sth.to do sth. 2.在一家餐馆 in a restaurant 3.几天前 a few days earlier 4.爬出来 climb out 5.捡起;拾起 pick up 6.扔向……的另一侧 throw...across 7.落在……上 land on... 8.躺在……上 lie on... 9.拍照 take a photo 10.匆匆赶往…… hurry to... 11.变得更糟 get worse 12.疼痛;痛苦 in pain 13.一……就 as soon as 14.拿出 take out Ⅲ.写·句子 1.一天,当亨利正在一家饭店工作时,一条蛇突然出现并咬了他的手。 One day, when Henry was working in a restaurant, a snake suddenly appeared and bit his hand. 2.我正试图捡起它,突然它又咬了我一口。 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again. 3.当蛇躺在桌子上时,亨利迅速拿起他的手机,并用它拍了张照。 While the snake was lying on the table, Henry quickly picked up his mobile phone and took a photo with it. 4.医生们在检查他时,疼痛加重了。 As the doctors were checking him, the pain got worse. 5.他们一知道是哪种蛇咬了亨利,就给他服了对症的药,第二天他就出院了。 As soon as they learnt what kind of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right medicine, and he left hospital the next day. 6.所以如果有蛇咬了你,拿出你的手机或相机。 So if a snake bites you, take out your mobile phone or camera. - 5 - ... ...

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