
2024年初中英语语法精讲 精练-宾语从句(5份打包)

日期:2024-09-24 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:49次 大小:89419Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    一、 意义:在一个复合句子中,宾语是一个句子,我们把这个句子叫宾语从句。 二、宾语从句的结构: 主语+谓语+if/ whether/ that/ 特殊疑问词+主语+谓语。如: 一)that引导的宾语从句: 1.He thinks that she is a good girl. 他认为她是一个好女孩儿。 2.I’m afraid that I have made a mistake. 我恐怕我犯了一个错误。 3.The reason for his absence was that he was ill. 他缺席的原因是他病了。 4.He said that he knew you. 他说他知道你。 5.He thinks that he’s the cleverest in his class. 他认为他是班上最聪明的。 6.She said in her letter that she would come next month. 她在信中说,她将会下个月来。 7. He thought that he was strong and that only he could help them. 他认为他是强壮的,并且认为只有他能帮助他们。 8.Lily said that she was at home at that time. 莉莉说那个时候她正在家里。 二)if/ whether引导的宾语从句:当后边没有or not时,能用if或whether;当后边有or not时,只能用whether。 9.Could you tell me if/ whether your brother is a league member 你能告诉我你的哥哥是否是一个共青团员? 10.I don’t know if/ whether they’re talking about me. 我不知道他们是否正在谈论我。 11.Can you tell me whether the old man is alive or not 你能告诉我那个老人是否还活着? 12.He asked me if/ whether I could help him pick apples next week. 他问我,我是否能够在下周帮他摘苹果。 三)特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句: 13.He doesn’t know where the post office is. 他不知道邮局在哪儿。 14.He told me what I should read. 他告诉我应该读什么。 15.This is why we put off the meeting. 这就是为什么我推迟开会的原因。 16.I asked him what he wanted. 我问他想要什么。 17.Can you guess who is your father talking with now 你能猜出来你父亲现在正在和谁谈话吗? 18.He asked me how they would finish the work. 他问我他们将怎样完成工作。 19.Do you know when they began to teach her English 你知道他们什么时候开始教她英语吗? 20.They know which hospital she works in. 他们知道她在哪个医院工作。 三、宾语从句的时态: 宾语从句的时态要和主句的时态保持一致。 一)当主句是现在时态时,从句该用什么时态就用什么时态。如: 1. Could you tell me where you bought the toy bear 你能告诉我了你在什么地方买的这个玩具熊吗? 2. I wonder when we will have a meeting. 我不知道我们将什么时候开会。 二)当主句是过去时态时,从句用相应的过去时态。如: 1. I called my friends to see Whether they would like to go. 我给我的朋友打电话,让他们看看他们将是否愿意来。 (主句的时态是过去时,从句里的will改成了would。) 2.I asked him what he wanted. 我问他他想要什么。 (主句的时态是过去时态,从句里的一般现在时态改成了一般过去时态。) 四、注意事项: 1. 看语序。要确定宾语从句的语序是主语+谓语。 2. 时态。要注意主语的时态。 3. 特殊疑问词在宾语从句中做主语时要注意语序是:特殊疑问词+谓语。如: Could you tell me what’s wrong with you Could you tell me what’s the matter with you Could you tell me what’s the trouble with you 你能告诉我你怎么了吗? She didn't know what happened to you 她不知道你发生了什么事。 4.宾语从句中的意思表示客观真理时,一律用一般现在时态。如: Our teacher said the earth runs around the sun. 我们老师说地球围着太阳转。 5.注意主句是could, would等表示委婉请求的主句 ... ...

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