
外研版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 1 Food for Thought Understanding ideas(共50张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:48次 大小:36959432Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Book 2 Unit 1 Food for thought 引人深思的 事情 There is an old saying in China, “Food is the first necessity of the people.” What different foods are introduced in the video dim sum noodle stinky tofu (臭豆腐) dumplings Chinese hamburger maple syrup 枫糖浆 pasta 意面 curry 咖喱 black been salad 黑豆沙拉 Learn some foods in pictures dim sum 点心 fish and chips Match the foods to the contries UK Italy India China Canada Mexico Dark Meal 黑暗料理 ! Are you a foodie (吃货) A person who enjoys cooking and eating different types of food. Who are they black pudding: a type of dark sausage mainly made from pig’s blood and fat(脂肪), famous in the UK and some other parts of Europe 血布丁或英国血肠: 以干猪血,肥肉和谷物为配料制作的香肠,它是英格兰北部非常受欢迎的一道菜肴 blue cheese: a type of cheese with blue lines(条纹) in it, popular in Europe and well-known(出名的) for its strong taste(刺激味道). 蓝纹奶酪/芝士 因其表面带有蓝色的斑纹乳酪或者蓝点和条纹而得名,被称为奶酪界的臭豆腐 haggis: a Scottish(苏格兰) dish made from the liver(肝脏), heart and lungs(肺) of a sheep 哈吉斯被称为苏格兰“国菜”,它是将羊的心肝肺与洋葱、燕麦片、肉类和各种佐料混合,再放进羊的胃里炖煮而成的。 fried spider: a popular snack (零食) in some parts of Southeast Asia 油炸蜘蛛是泰国、柬埔寨非常流行的一种小吃,当地选择的是一种狼蛛,这种蜘蛛含有丰富的蛋白质 Unit 1 Understanding ideas kw 'zi n n.烹饪(法) 一个孩子 两种菜系 dare [de ] v. 胆敢,敢于 marriage ['m r d ] n.婚姻 sort [s t] n.种,类 typical ['t p k( )l] adj.典型的,有代表性的 suffer ['s f ] v. 受苦 gather ['g ] v.聚集 bite [ba t] n./v. 咬 symbol ['s mb( )l] n.象征,标志 opinion [ 'p nj n] n.意见,看法 dare [de ] v. 胆敢,敢于 daring adj. 勇敢的;敢于冒险的 n. 激将;挑战 risk challenge adventure 用作行为动词时: dare to do sth 敢于做某事 用作情态动词时: dare do (通常只用于否定句中) But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try even(即使) after many years of marriage to my mother. 不敢尝试 marriage ['m r d ] n.婚姻 marry v.结婚;嫁,娶 marry sb=get married to sb 与某人结婚 The basis of a good _____(marry) is trust. marriage married adj.已婚的 sort [s t] n.种,类 a sort of 一种 all sorts of 各种各样的 v.整理,把...分类 type kind sort out 整理,挑选 Real friendship should be able to stand all ____ of tests. sorts typical ['t p k( )l] adj.典型的,有代表性的 It is typical of sb. to do sth. 某人一贯...;做某事是某人的特征 typically adv. 通常;典型地 Light _____(typical) travels in a straight line. eg.汤姆一贯让别人等他 typically suffer ['s f ] v. 受苦 sufferer n. 患病者,受苦者 suffering n.痛苦;苦难 adj. 受苦的 suffer from 遭受;患有 Even though he _____(suffer) from a lot of difficulties,he never gave in. suffered grow up 生长 ever since 自从 甜蜜记忆 不敢尝试 be shocked at... 对...感到震惊 take to doing 喜欢做某事 那种 pull at... 拉;扯 一定认为 find a way to do 找到方法做... 周日烤肉 遭受 中医 处理;解决 偶然 遇见 咬一口 对... 感到吃惊 remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事 爱上 ... ...

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