
2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编之阅读理解七选五 (原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:97次 大小:115572Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    阅读理解七选五 2024年高考真题 Passage1 【新课标Ⅰ卷】Not all great writers are great spellers. If you want to be published, it's vital to submit a perfect, professionally presented manuscript (原稿). ____36____ No editor is likely to tolerate a writer who does not take the trouble to spell words correctly. I keep two reference books close-by on my desk: dictionary and thesaurus (同义词词典). I don't trust my laptop's spellchecker. ____37____ Of course, these days there are plenty of online dictionaries and thesauruses, but I'm old-fashioned enough to prefer a hard cover and pages I can leaf through with my fingers. I use the Concise Oxford Dictionary and the Collins Thesaurus. ____38____ It should give you a precise definition of each word, thus differentiating it from other words whose meanings are similar, but not identical. It will also usually show how the word is pronounced. In addition, I have an old two-volume copy of the Shorter Oxford Dictionary, picked up a few years ago in a bookshop sale for just 99 pence. Of course, with its 2,672 pages, it's not exactly short. It contains around 163,000 words, plus word combinations and idiomatic phrases. ____39____ However, if I need to check the origin of a word or to look up examples of its usage, there's nothing better. For well over a hundred years the most influential English dictionary was Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language published in 1755. "To make dictionaries is dull (乏味) work," wrote Johnson, illustrating one definition of "dull". ____40____ A few minutes spent casting your eye over a page or two can be a rewarding experience. A. I don't often use this dictionary. B. It takes no account of the context. C. But I still don't want to replace them. D. But a dictionary can be a pleasure to read. E. Of course, a dictionary is not only for spelling. F. That means good grammar and no spelling mistakes. G. Dictionaries don't always give you enough information. 【答案】36. F 37. B 38. E 39. A 40. D 【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了作者使用英语词典的经验和心得以及从中获得的乐趣。 【36题详解】 上文“If you want to be published, it’s vital to submit a perfect, professionally presented manuscript(如果你想发表,提交一份完美的、专业的手稿是至关重要的)”提到了完美的、专业的手稿的重要性,手稿中不能有语法和拼写错误是专业的手稿的要求之一。F选项“That means good grammar and no spelling mistakes.(这意味着语法正确,没有拼写错误。)”是对手稿要求的进一步解释说明,符合题意。故选F项。 【37题详解】 上文“I don’t trust my laptop’s spellchecker.(我不相信我笔记本电脑的拼写检查器。)”提到了作者不相信电脑的拼写检查器;下文“Of course, these days there are plenty of online dictionaries and thesauruses, but I’m old-fashioned enough to prefer a hard cover and pages I can leaf through with my fingers.(当然,现在有很多在线词典和同义词库,但我是一个守旧的人,更喜欢精装的书和能用手指翻阅的书页。)”提到了作者更喜欢实体书和能用手指翻阅的书页,说明电子设备可能不会考虑上下文,所以B选项“It takes no acco ... ...

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