
Module 2 What can you do ? 课件 (3课时)2023-2024学年外研版英语七年级下册期末知识梳理

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:62次 大小:2135700Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1  I can play the piano. 外研社版 七年级英语下册 课前导学 夯实基础 01 03 CONTANTS 目 录 能力提升 04 课堂导学 02 英语 ◆ 课前导学 ◆ 返回目录 一、请根据中文意思写出下列重点单词。 名词 (n.) 1.网球     2.钢琴     3.俱乐部     4.学期     5.布告板     tennis piano club term board 英语 返回目录 动词 (v.) 1.演奏;弹奏     2.骑;乘     3.焦虑;担心     4.教;讲授     形容词 (adj.) 所有的;全部的     play ride worry teach all 英语 返回目录 副词 (adv.) 那么;就     感叹词 (int.) 噢;喔     then well 英语 返回目录 二、请认真阅读课文,找出下列重点短语。 1.想要;希望         2.弹钢琴     3.仅此而已     4.说中文     5.担心……     6.打乒乓球     would like play the piano that’s all speak Chinese worry about play table tennis 英语 返回目录 三、重点句子(阅读课文,完成下列句子)。 1.本学期的新社团在布告栏里了。 The new clubs for this term                . 2.我想加入音乐社团,因为我会弹钢琴。 I’d like to                 because                    . are on the board join the Music Club I can play the piano 英语 返回目录 3.噢,我会煮鸡蛋,不过仅此而已。 Well,I can cook eggs,but        . 4.她能加入哪个社团 Which club can she join 5.我认为她想加入舞蹈社团,因为她跳舞跳得非常好。        she’d like to join the Dance Club because she can dance        . that’s all I think really well 英语 ◆ 课堂导学 ◆ 返回目录 一、(听说训练) 听选信息。   听课本P8 Activity 3 对话,请根据括号内的提示,回答第1~3三个问题。 1.Who wants to join the Food and Drink Club (Daming/Betty/Tony) Betty./Betty wants to join the Food and Drink Club. 英语 返回目录 2.What is Lingling good at (dancing/cooking/playing the piano) Dancing./Lingling is good at dancing. 3.How many clubs are mentioned(提及) in the conversation (3/4/5) 5./There are five. 英语 返回目录 二、(听说训练) 信息转述。   听课本P8 Activity 3对话,完成下列信息表,并复述大意。 Name Can Club Daming play the 1.    2.   Club Betty like 3.    Food and Drink Club Lingling dance really well 4.   Club Tony play table tennis 5.  Club piano Music cooking Dance Table Tennis  英语 返回目录 三、根据课本P8 Activity 3的对话内容,请从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使文章完整连贯。注意每空一词,每词仅用一次,有两词为多余项。 favourite about but cook because teach good worry like on China ask   The new clubs for this term are 1.    the board. Daming wants to join the Music Club 2.   he can play the piano. Betty likes 3.   ,so she can join the Food and Drink Club. What 4.   Lingling on because cooking about 英语 返回目录 She would 5.   to join the Dance Club because she can dance really 6.   . Tony can’t speak 7.   well, so he wants to join the Chinese Club. But Daming asks him not to 8.   about Chinese because they can 9.   him Chinese. Finally,Tony chooses the Table Tennis Club. That’s his 10.    . Which club would you like to choose like well Chinese worry teach favourite fav ... ...

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