ID: 20594752

Unit3 welcome to our school重点词句语法 重点词句默写语法练习(含答案)2023-2024学年牛津译林版英语七年级上册

日期:2024-12-27 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:71次 大小:40672B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit3 welcome to our school! 重点词组 Welcome to the unit 运动场sports field 也as well 多少间教室how many classrooms Reading 对···重要be important for 许多绿色空间lots of green spaces 喜欢在这打发时间enjoy spending time here 和老师谈论我们的问题chat with teachers about our problems 看见学生们在那跑步see the students running there 令人兴奋的体育比赛lots of exciting sports matches 发生;take place 大门附近的学校公示牌the school noticeboards near the gate 阅读学校新闻和明星学生教师的故事read about school news and stories of star students and teachers 榜样role models 展示学生作品show students’ works 更多好地方more great places Grammar 看上去不错look great 各种各样的肉和蔬菜all kinds of meat and vegetables 和我校足球的朋友踢足球play football with friends in the school football team 班主任the form teacher 擅长弹钢琴be good at playing the piano 和...问好say hello to Pronunciation 唱英文歌曲sing the English songs Integration 一栋灰色的三层建筑 a grey building with three floors 既干净又明亮clean and bright 找到许多不同学科的书find lots of books on different subjects 成千上万thousands of 事实上in fact 一次借三本书borrow three books at a time 在顶楼on t the top floor 读报纸和杂志read newspapers and magazines 用网络帮助你学习use the internet to help you with your studies 其他什么what else 关心care about 打乒乓球play ping-pong 非常友好quite nice 一个特殊的地方a special place Further study 在...的山脚下at the foot of 超过一千年more over 1,000 years old 重点句子 学校是一个学习的好地方。School is a good place for learning. 你的学校怎么样?How‘s your school? 最好的部分是现代化的图书馆。The best part is the modern library. 我们也有一个漂亮的食堂。We have a nice dining hall as well. 我们学校也有一个大食堂。My schhol has a big dining hall too. 你们学校有多少间教室?How many classrooms does your school have? 我的学校不大但很好。My school is not big but it's great. 为什么绿色空间对一所学校很重要?Why are green spaces important for a school? 对于我们来说,他们是学习的完美场所。They're the perfect place for us to study. 学生们喜欢在这里打发时间。Students enjoys spending time here. 有时我们也在这里和老师谈论我们的问题。Sometimes we chat with teachers about our problems here too. 许多令人激动的体育比赛在这里举行。Lots of exciting sports matches take place on it. 我们在这里可以读到学校新闻和明星学生和老师的故事。Here we can read about school news and stories of star students and teachers. 对于我们来说,他们是榜样。They're role models for us. 你能在这找到七年级的所有老师。You can find all the teachers for Grade 7 here. 它是一栋三层楼的楼。It is a grey building with three floors. 你一次能借三本书。You can borrow three books at a time. 你也可以用网络来帮助你学习。You can also use the internet to help you with your studies. 对你来说,图书馆是是享受一本精彩的书和安静时光的完美地方。The library is the perfect place for you to enjoy a wonderful book and some quiet time. 他们很关心我们。They care about us a lot. 我们学校不大但是对我来说是一个特殊的地方。Our school is not ... ...

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