
单词拼写解题技巧 2024年初中中考英语复习(浙江专用)(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:61次 大小:194376Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    单词拼写解题技巧 做单词拼写时考生要根据句意和语法来分析具体运用什么形式。常用的解题步骤如下: (一)读懂句意,确定单词 由于所缺单词已给出词义,在一定程度上降低了难度。但是英汉两种语言不是一一对应关系,理解全句的意 思有利于准确判断应该填的词。 1.懂整句,把握完整的语句含义 A.Gobi desert is a (tree) place. B.You came here rather late, the boss is quite (happy). 2.基本用法要熟记于心 A.My friend and I really enjoyed o . B.Now, it’s important that you make friends with the customers, but you shouldn’t tell them your 7 (整个 的)life story. They don’t want to hear that. C.These museums give the 1 (公众)a chance to enjoy their treasures. (二)瞻前顾后,确定形式 一般来说,先确定所填的词在句中的成分很重要。缺少主语则用名词或代词;缺少谓语则用动词;修饰名 词、代词的多为形容词;修饰动词、形容词和副词的要用副词。如果确定填名词,写好基本形式后要考虑是 否变复数;如果确定填动词,写好基本形式后要考虑是否加-s 、-ed 、-ing 等;如果确定填形容词或副词,写好基 本形式后要考虑是否变成比较级或最高级。 1.名词 一般考虑名词的可数与不可数、单数与复数、固定搭配、大小写和所有格等内容。 A.In some countries, dogs and cats are commonly considered as pets, while chickens,ducks, and 1 (猪) are food. B.For example, you may have 3 (朋友) who keep rabbits as pets. C.First, you should wear smart 1 (衣服)and behave well. D.*No touching the art. Hands, 6 (手指)or any body part should never come into contact with the artwork. E.In Beihai Park, two young 4 (女士) were recording some ancient 5 (石头) bridges with their DV. F.This activity showed us the (重要性)of protecting our environment. 2.形容词和副词 这两类词学生极易混淆,做题时应仔细分析,慎重选择究竟用哪类词和它们之间的转换规则,有时还要考虑到 形容词和副词的比较级、最高级变化。 A.They eat it, for they think it is a kind of meat. They kill it because they believe it is 6 (有害的) to plants or people. B.And 8 (最后)—don’t talk all the time. You should always listen to the customer. C.If you follow these suggestions, it’ll be much 1 (安全的)than you might think. D.because they are much 2 (便宜的)than those in shops. E.People who learn (明智地)and well will achieve their dreams more easily. F.I am c wrong for sure. I have to do the research from the very beginning. 3.动词 动词变化形式较为复杂,一般有五种:动词原形、第三人称单数形式、现在分词、过去式和过去分词。尤其 要注意被动语态和主谓一致,这是综合考查学生运用英语知识的能力。 A.Some people 4 (烹饪) rabbits as dishes. People treat a rabbit as a pet because it 5 (带来) them pleasure B.Beijing is entering the best travel season———golden autumn”. The wind is blowing and the sun 1 (照耀). C.She also said that her travel plan 10 (包括) the Great Wall as well.“People here are friendly. D.Keep a separate credit(信用)card just for 9 (购物)online. E.Dr.Naismith d the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play basketball. F.The telephone was i by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876;that is,he was the first person to make the telephone. G.It slows you down and it 9. (允许) your stomach to tell your brain ... ...

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