
人工智能的影响 2024年初中中考英语复习(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:41次 大小:239883Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    人工智能的影响 一、阅读理解 1 The 19th Asian Games came to an end successfully on Sunday in Hangzhou. They were reported as safe and smart games at home and abroad. Because of the large size, the Games have brought unprecedented challenges for the security (安全保障). There have been many examples of Internet attacks in sports activities. For example, hackers ( 黑客) have ever tried to steal sportsmen’s personal information for money. However, zero mistake was made in security protection in the Hangzhou Games. To achieve this, the security workers made full use of intelligent technology (IT). This helped the activities go well and provided a safe environment. It made the Games “Safe Asian Games” . The Games have also been the first “Smart Asian Games” . Behind the wonderful shows of different activities, they used a large number of intelligent technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things and 5G. With the support of the cloud network (云网络), people could see technology make the biggest difference. That means everything was faster—it only took five seconds to check the results, for example. Though the Asian Games were full of challenges, with the help of high-tech, Hangzhou has successfully made them safe and smart. They have provided a chance for China to show the high level of network security protection, as well as the latest technology. 1. Which words best describe the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou A. Old and small. B. Small and safe. C. Safe and smart. D. Smart and new. 2. What does the underlined word “unprecedented” in Paragraph 2 probably mean A. The biggest. B. The oldest. C. The smallest. D. The fastest. 3. Why did hackers steal sportsmen’s personal information A. To take their tickets. B. To sell for money. C. To attack sportsmen. D. To protect the Games. 4. Why does the writer give an example in Paragraph 4 A. To show the Games go well. B. To show a safe environment. C. To show the fast cloud network. D. To show how to check the games. 5. What’s the main idea of the article A. The future of intelligent technologies. B. The challenges the Hangzhou Games face. C. The large network attacks in the Hangzhou Games. D. The use of intelligent technologies in the Hangzhou Games. 2 A group of Chinese scientists have recently created a new kind of self-powered, flexible ( 柔韧 的), and transparent ( 透 明 的) electronic skin ( 电子皮肤) to monitor some human actions. The electronic skin is a very important part in the future of wearable technology. Because it’s soft, the special e-skin can stick right onto different parts of our body. Our skin, which is the biggest part of our body, is responsible for many important things like protecting us, helping us sweat, controlling our temperature, and letting us feel things around us. It is the basis of people’s physical interactions with the outside world. The perfect e-skin should feel a lot, power itself, and work well on human skin. “We got ideas from how real ski ... ...

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