
人教版(2019)选择性必修 2 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Reading and Thinking课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-09-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:38次 大小:13932350Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 BRIDGING CULTURES Reading & Thinking 目录 Contents 1 Step 1 Lead in 2 Step 2 Pre-reading. 3 Step 3 Reading. 4 Step 4 Post-reading 5 6 Step 6 Summary and Homework Step 5 Discussion Lead in National University of Singapore According to the pictures, please guess where I was and why I went there. Brainstorming Think about what it might be like if we study in a foreign country where we've never been. 1.What problems may we face Language Barrier Academic Difficulties Different Diet Culture Shocks Loneliness Homesickness Brainstorming 2. How will we feel excited curious ambitious hopeful Longing …… unsure puzzled lost confused Lonely …… Positive: Negative: VS A. Exposition(说明文) B. Narration(记叙文) C. Feature D. Argumentation(议论文) 1. What kind of style is this text 2. Where can you read the passage In a school newspaper Pre-reading Before you read, look at the title,and the picture. Divide the text into 3 parts and present your structures. Part 1 Brief introduction to Xie Lei and _____ the reason why she went abroad to study Part 2 The _____ that Xie Lei faced and ____ she handled them. challenges how Part 3 _____ to Xie Lei Best wishes Para. 1  Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 Para. 6 Para. 7 Para. 8 Reading Show your structure of the text. Fast-reading 1.Who is Xie Lei 2.What is Xie Lei's goal after graduation A student majoring in _____ went to _____ on _____ _____ business London a year-long exchange programme. Scan para1-2 and answer questions. To set up a business in China. Challenges (P3-7) Daily life Academic requirements Detailed-reading Daily life challenges What Xie Lei did Adaptation to a whole new life Learnt to_____; Learnt to_____; Asked for_____ loneliness Lived with_____ Academic requirements Writing an essay Got help from_____; _____ a lot to prepare Participating in _____ and giving_____ Gave presentation on_____ Fill in the blanks. Detailed-reading adaptation to a whole new life Learnt to_____; Learnt to_____; asked for _____; loneliness Lived with _____ Daily life (P3-4) Challenges What Xie Lei did(solutions) use public transport help when she got lost ask for things she didn’t know a host family got help from _____ ; _____a lot to prepare participating in _____ and giving_____ gave presentation on _____ Academic requirements(P3-4) Challenges What Xie Lei did(solutions) her tutor read traditional Chinese art presentations class writing an essay excited but nervous awkward; not familiar lonely sometimes but comforted confused no idea surprised confident feel at home six months ago at first academic challenge after a few weeks halfway through Circle the words that show her feelings and draw the time line. feelings time clue clue Emotion Time Post-reading A bridge cultural shocks 1. How can we understand “building bridges Discussion 2. How has Xie Lei helped to build bridges between China and the UK (2 examples) Teaching people how to cook Ch ... ...

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