

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:14次 大小:5832763Byte 来源:二一课件通
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July 29,the seedlings of the tall shoot rice variety (have reached a height of 30 centimeters.The seedlings of the short shoot rice variety have grown to 5 centimeters, China Daily reported on Aug.30. While there have been other rice experiments in space,this one is the first of its kind to produce the complete life cycle of a plant-it begins with a seed and ends with a grown plant producing new seeds. Such food-growing experiments are not just for astronauts.They can also solve food problems on Earth.By sending seeds to space we can change the genes of seeds, thanks to micro-gravity,the special space light and the lack (of air.Then,the production of these seeds is greatly increased on Earth. For more than 30 years,China has developed over 260 new types of seeds in space. They are widely planted in the field every year. According to Yao Toug,an engineer from a research center,30 percent of strawberries sold in Beijing are "space strawberries",which are as big as eggs.The center has also produced "space tomatoes"with the production increased by 30 percent, and "space bananas"with a growth shortened from 13 months to 9 months. 21.Why does the writer mention the first satellite sent by humans in Paragraph 1 A.To explain the food shortage in space. B.To introduce some Chinese man-made satellites. C.To show the achievement of Chinese farming technology. D.To show the improvement of growing food in space. 22.What can we know from the experiment at Tiangong space station A.Its plant has a complete life cycle. B.Its seedlings come from the Earth. C.It begins with a fully-grown plant. D.It uses completely new rice varieties. 23.Why do we grow food in space a.To feed astronauts. b.To study micro-gravity. c.To increase production on Earth. d.To research on the space light. A.ab B.bc C.bd D.ac 24 What can we know from the last two paragraphs A.Over 260 new types of seeds are planted every year. B.30 percent of "space strawberries"can be as big as eggs. C.Space tomatoes can be produced in a shorter time. D.People don't need to worry about food anymore. 25.What is the purpose of the passage A.To show the influence of space planting. B.To introduce space planting and its advantages. C.To explain why space planting is successful. D.To sell products planted in space.

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