

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:11次 大小:798441Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Gap-filling 七选五解题思路探究 思考1:七选五文本的类型七选五说明文段落主旨较为明晰相较于记叙文,解题“套路”针对性更强记叙文写作手法更多样:倒叙/插叙更考查对文章的整体把握出题人设置的空经常“反套路”思考2:出题人会在哪里设空?怎么入手?段首多为段落大意句,后文围绕其具体阐述,可能还有例子/论据支撑。同时注意与上一段尾句的关系:承上启下/转折对比“核心词匹配”(同义词/代词/上义词/下义词…)若考小标题:段落大意+句式段尾首段段尾:很可能与文章主旨有关系,承上启下非首段段尾:聚焦与前一句/前文的关系“核心词匹配”段中“左顾右盼”:(A___B),内容上该空可A/可B/可A+B;特别注意逻辑关系“核心词匹配”思考3:拿到选项后怎么做?1勾画关键词:逻辑词、名词、动词、代词2根据关键词预判选项应当出现的位置3结合每段段落大意,预判选项所属段落2022-2023安徽皖中名校联考 语篇类型:说明文 主题语境:人与社会 主要介绍了纽约的美食、艺术和交通。 The huge high rises, loud noises, and masses of people make up a symbolic United States destination and the city millions of people call home. Winding your way through the streets of New York City is an overwhelming and humbling (令人谦卑的) experience. ____16____ With so much to offer, there is never a boring moment in this energetic city but an appreciation for this urban (城市的) culture. Walking down these busy streets you are sure to see several different coffee shops where writers with dreams are typing away or perhaps old friends catch up as they drink. Next, there are the classic pizzerias where many love to go to get a slice of New York style pizza. Another city classic are the popular delis, a favorite quick and easy lunch hot spot. ____17____ A valued aspect (方面) of the city streets is the artistic attraction they hold. Brushes of color brighten up the modern buildings. The buildings become an artist’s studio where creativity comes to life, beautifying the city and showing social and political expressions. ____18____ Whether an artist is trying to get discovered, make a living, or simply just sharing their feelings, the air is filled with joy to lift the spirits of the people. ____19____ On any given street you can take a taxi with the wave of an arm. You can sit on a subway, feeling the shakes of the starts and stops and hearing the loud sound of the tracks. Yet the most common form of transportation is your own two feet, allowing you to get where you want to go, fast or slow. There is nothing more American than a street in New York City. ____20____ They are enjoyed by all those who are there to experience it. 通读全文,理解主题,寻找线索 P1:总起段,纽约总览 P2:纽约食物 P3:纽约街头 P4:纽约交通 P5:总结 A. The beautiful variety brings life into the city. B. The energy they give off will be sure to inspire you. C. These streets are known for their variety of great food. D. An additional form of art that fills these streets is music. E. The many aspects of the urban culture are there on the street. F. A huge benefit of the city life is the diverse transportation choice ... ...

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