

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:85次 大小:7858975Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Welcome to my class tiptoe [ t pt ] vi. 踮着脚走;蹑手蹑脚地走 pace [pe s] vi. 踱步,走来走去 slip [sl p] sneak [sni k] vi. 潜行;偷偷溜走 rush [r ] dash [d ] Storm in/out charge vi. 匆忙;猛冲 “动”手“动”脚 助力读后续写 Continuation Writing —to make action descriptions vivid Requirements of curriculum standards for continuation writing (读后续写课程标准要求) 《普通高中英语课程标准》明确提出能续写语篇,并在高考命题中以写作部分的考试形式提出,考生阅读故事性短文,根据其中情节,续写故事,使之完整. 浙江省于2016年高考首次采用读后续写题型,随着高考综合改革的推进,该题型在其它很多省份得以推广。读后续写将阅读理解与写作实践,模仿与创造力相结合,充分体现了语言学习的创造性建构过程. 读后续写,对学生阅读,思维,文化,写作能力进行综合考查,体现了英语学科的核心素养。 读 后 续 写 高 考 真 题 题 号 问题 原 因 办 法 体裁 主题思想 侧重点 2023新高考Ⅰ 参加不擅长上的英语写作比赛 老师鼓励作者参加 不断修改 反复重写 记叙文 克服困难,获得成功,表达感谢 动作描写 2022新高考Ⅰ 残疾的David因害怕别人嘲笑不敢参与越野赛 老师让他自己选择参加还是不参加 特教老师的劝说 记叙文 战胜自卑 动作描写 2021新高考Ⅰ 双胞胎做早餐把厨房弄得一团糟 给母亲惊喜,庆祝母亲节 … their father appeared 父亲助攻 记叙文 母亲节惊喜 动作描写 2020新高考Ⅰ Bernard如何赚钱帮助养家 经济衰退 John had an idea: 做爆米花卖钱 记叙文 助人献爱心 动作描写 2020.07 浙江 野熊来到营地前 熊闻到面包大蒜气味 tried known actions: ... 辣椒水 直升飞机 记叙文 险境求生 动作描写 2017.06 浙江 骑行遇狼 未知 向路过轿车求助 记叙文 险境求生 动作描写 Objectives By the end of the class, we are able to 1) create action chains(动作链); 2) vivify and modify(修饰) the actions; 3) create action scene(动作面) from multi-dimensional perspectives (多维视角). How to make your action descriptions vivid 1. Mr.Bean attempted to cheat in the exam. During the exam, Mr. bean looked around, slowly moved towards his deskmate, and attempted to glance at his answers. 2. He got up in the morning. He dragged himself out of the bed in the morning. 3. The boy said sorry to his father. The boy hung his head to the ground and mumbled an apology to his father. 4. The meat is delicious. The meat makes my mouth water. 5.The news made me surprised. The news made my jaw drop. 6. The boy heard mom’s words, smiled and jumped off the tree. Hearing mom’s words, the boy smiled and jumped off the tree. Hearing mom’s words, the naughty boy smiled cheerfully with his eyes shining with excitement and jumped off the tree skillfully like a monkey. 用更细致的动作代替结果性的动作,可使抽象动作层次化、过程化,并附加修饰词或升级句式可使读者在阅读时脑海中自然而然地构建出电影般的画面感。 Step 1 Read and discover--which of the following sentences are more vivid Why How Pre-action (先前动作) Trans-action (过渡动作) Post-action后续动作 During the exam, Mr. bean looked around, slowly moved towards his deskmate, and attempted to glance at his answers. A B C Action description 具体的动作描写 Step 2 How to create action chains--b ... ...

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