
2025届高三英语作文复习专项:读后续写个人成长 不要过分关注白纸中的小黑点——某一次失败安慰鼓励课件(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:69次 大小:1211013Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 不要过分关注白纸中的小黑点 文 本 Linda, a high school girl, was feeling depressed after she had failed her mid-term exams. She didn’t answer her teachers’ questions actively in class like she used to.(冲突) Instead, she began to lower her head and got absent-minded easily.(冲突) Her friends and classmates were worried about her, but she didn’t feel like talking about it with them. Mrs Green, her English teacher, noticed her changes and decided to do something before it got worse(解决方法). One day, Mrs Green entered the classroom and asked her students to prepare for a surprise test(解决方法). They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. Mrs Green handed out the question papers, with the text facing down as usual. After she handed them all out, she asked her students to turn the page and begin. To everyone’s surprise, there were no questions, just a black dot(点) in the center of the page.(冲突) Mrs Green, seeing the expression on everyone’s face, told them the following: “I want you to write what you see there.” The students, confused, got started on the task. At the end of the class, Mrs Green collected all the answer papers and started reading them aloud in front of all the students. Just as Mrs Green had expected, with no exception, all of them described the black dot, trying to explain its position in the middle of the sheet, etc.(解决方法) Mrs Green then picked out Linda’s paper and added, “Linda, I like your idea. Would you please follow me to the office and talk about it ” “Er... Yes, madam!” Linda was puzzled because she thought her idea was no better than anyone else’s.(冲突) Like others, she also described the black dot only and ignored the white part of the paper. Paragraph 1: Feeling nervous, Linda went into Mrs Green’s office.    Paragraph 2:“Mrs Green is right. I should focus more on the white part of the paper!”(解决方法) Linda got refreshed. 思 路 Step 1 快读文本 获取信息 故事发展线索:Linda期中考试没有考好,心情低落→Mrs Green想帮助她→一天,Mrs Green让学生进行一次特别的测试,试卷上只有一个黑点→学生都描述那个黑点,包括Linda在内→Mrs Green说她喜欢Linda的想法→Linda感到困惑 Step 2 细读续写段首句合理推测 根据续写第一段首句设问: (1)What would Mrs Green say to Linda in the office (2)How would Linda react 根据续写第二段首句设问: (1)What would be Linda’s reflection (2)What would Linda decide to do after the talk 推测:Mrs Green会告诉Linda不要注意那个黑点,要注意范围更大的纸上的白区。这个黑点就像是一次失败,不要让失败使我们忽视生活中其他更多的美好的事情。 Linda听了老师的话以后会做出改变———变得乐观、豁达。最后根据续写第二段的首句进行主旨升华。 恢复精神的表现:眼中闪过一丝希望 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Para.2: “Mrs Green is right. I should focus more on the white part of the paper!”(解决方法) Linda got refreshed. 续写框架:五五拍戏法 Para.1: Feeling nervous, Linda went into Mrs Green’s office. 承上 老师的反应:微笑着安排她坐下 ... ...

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