

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:91次 大小:6984781Byte 来源:二一课件通
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7.Hwpers o to the art gailery 高二英语试卷 A.By car. B.By subway. C.By bus 听所第7段状料.日答第8,9题、 Wen dide womn have an iervicw 注意事项: A.T'wo days ago B.Five days agD. C.Seven days ago. 1答题优,考生务必将自已的姓名.考生号、考汤号座位号垆写在答题卡山: 9.Wt does the man ask the womar to do 2同谷选泽题时选出每小监答姿后.月铅皂把答避卡上对豆题目的答案标涂 A.llave some coffee for relaxation. 黑.如陆沙动用橡皮擦下净后.再选涂其他谷案号,问名非远祥题时将容茶写在 B.B:pattent and wait for the result. 苍题卡上,写在本试卷上尤效 C.fave a call to ask alout the reault. 3考试结更石,兴本以花答题卡一并交回 所纺飞股材斗.同吝第'.至12题 10.What problemn dues Roger have with exams 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分] A.He doesn't work hard.B.He isa't clever C.He isn't confident. 做题时先将若案标试卷L,录音内容结来5,你将布两分件的时间将试在二的答案转 11.How will the maa help Roger probabiy 涂到答题卡上 A.By telping him to stay calm. 第一节《共5小竖:每小题1.5分满分75分: B.By finding an exper:'cr ham 听下面5段对话、每段对话后有一个小题,从恶中所给的A、B.C三个迭项中选出鲅佳进 C.均y giving him some ad小ce about his future 项,并标在试卷的相应位肾。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒知的时间米可答有关小题和阅汝下 12.W'hat co we know sbout the wonun 一小题。每段列话仅读一西· A.She is busy wita exams. 例:How much is the shirt B.She wants to be an expert. A£19.15. &.£5.18 C.£g.5. C.She jeels relexed af:er exercise. 答案是C、 听第9段材料.可密剪13至15随 :When does the conversation most prohahly take place 13.Who is Grace mos probably talking to A.in spring. In autum C.In wiater. A.Her couch. B Her colleague C.Her husband. 2.What is the prubable rrlationship Letween the speakers 11.How scun will Jake prohably go cave diving A.Do-tor and pauent A.In a weck. B.Ir.a couple ci months C.In a few weeks R Teacher and student. 15.What does Jake say about extreme spors C.Fathe:and doughter. A.They won't hart people. 3.What are the speakers mainly tal'king alut B.They car.prove he is brave A.The womun'、Tjpr. B.The womnan's job C.The woman's parents C.They are interesting and cballenging. 4.How much shou.d the woman pay for the shi:t 16.What will Grace prolsbly prefer to do AC30. B.20. C£35 A Go shopping in the s:reet.H Go ice climbing. C.Stay at ho:ne 5.Where did the wemar.go last month 听动0段材料,世苍第17至20题、 A.To Amenca. B.To Mexico. C【o Canada. 17.Why is the competition place changed 第二节(共15小画:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分 A.It is go.ng to zair 1omorrow. 听下而5段对活或独中。段对话或独门后有儿个小题,从距中新给的A.马.C三个正项 B.The orginal place is too coid. 中选出最生进项,并标在比卷的相应位置。听胡段付活或独山的,你将有围间阅各个小题,年 C.The onginal place is :co far away. 小题5秒钟:听完后,各小飞将给出5秒钟的作容时间。每段对话或生白读两泊, 18.Where will the swimming competiton be held 听第C段材料,回答第〔、7题、 A.At the Johnsen Sports Center. 6.What's the woman's reaction to the news B.A:the school swimming pocl. A.Disappoinied. B.Confused. C.ExriterL. C At the ... ...

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