
Unit 10 We are supposed to shake hanks基础检测题(含答案)-2023-2024学年人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:60次 大小:22394Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版八升九英语Unit10 We are supposed to shake hanks基础检测题 unit 10 Section A 一、根据句意完成下列句子 1. Old habits die hard. I totally forgot the doctor warned me not to eat any candy. I'm so used_____ eating candy that I didn't remember I wasn't supposed_____ eat any even on Halloween. 2. It's said that tea was drunk _____the first time about 5,000 years ago. 3. I usually take a break after lunch _____ noon. 4. After waking up, the little girl held_____ her arms for her mother's hug. 5. -Would you like to go out_____dinner tonight -No, I'd rather eat at home. 6. Many people have lost their homes because_____ wars. It's important_ people to have a peaceful world. 7. Let's run _____fast as we can, or we'll be late for the meeting. 8. -Who's knocking _____ the door -Maybe it's Katie. She promised to help me with physics. 二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 kiss passport value capital relax season greet worth 9. Life is _ _____living as long as there's a laugh in it. 10. When you go abroad, never forget to bring your_____ 11. Take a deep breath before you go on stage to perform, and you may feel _____. 12. Paris is the_ _____ of France and it's also the largest city of France. 13. We don't expect much from the kids because they can't understand the_____ of this work. 14.Which _____do you prefer , spring or summer 15. She gave me a quick _____on the cheek and said goodbye. 16.[2023 台州]Mr. Watson_ _____all the guests warmly as they arrived yesterday morning. 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 17.在我们国家,不先打招呼就去朋友家拜访是不礼貌的。 It's impolite_____ a friend's home without calling first in my country. 怎样成为一名好的学习者 首先,我们最好制订计划。 How to be a good learner _____, we'd better _____ --抱歉,我没表现好。一没关系。毕竟,你尽力了。 一Sorry, I didn't do a good job. 一Never mind. _____, you've tried your best. 20.黑板上有一些脏东西,请把它们擦干净。 There are some dirty things on the blackboard. Please_____' 21.请永远不要放弃!世界上从来没有人未经努力就取得成功。 Never give up, please! No one in the world has ever succeeded without_____ 22.赶紧!我们的航班很快要起飞了。 Hurry up! Our plane will_____ soon. 23.我知道人们在压力下很容易生气。 I know that people _____easily when they're under pressure. Unit 10 Section B 一、根据句意完成下列句子 1. My mother often tells me it's impolite to hit an empty bowl_____chopsticks. 2. According to the new rule, every student_____supposed to take up a sporting activity for a healthy life. 3. Thanks_____lending your camera to us. We will return it to you next Monday. 4. My sister's favorite actress is Audrey Hepburn but mine is different _____hers. 5. -I'm excited_____ ___the new smartphones. Do you know when they will come out 一Next month. 6.-Your city is so beautiful. I love it so much. It's so kind _____ you to show us around. -My pleasure. We are looking forward_____your next visit to Luoyang! 7. Natalia , _____ exchange student from Spain, is_____university student in Sichuan now. 8. He cut _____the ... ...

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