
Unit 5 Wild animals核心考点强化练100道(原卷版+解析版)牛津译林版八年级英语上册

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:17次 大小:62837Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit5 Wild animals 核心考点强化练(100道) 考试范围:Unit5;考试时间:30分钟;满分:100分 一、单项选择(共60分) 1.This morning I _____ a gift from my sister, but I didn’t _____ it. A.received; accept B.received; receive C.accepted; receive 2.I didn’t want to trouble Daniel yesterday, but it was pouring with rain so I had to _____ his offer to drive me home. A.receive B.reduce C.accept D.allow 3.There are fewer and fewer fish in the river because of _____. A.action B.situation C.direction D.pollution 4.— Oh, no! We’ve come to a wrong place. — Sorry, I have no sense of _____, especially in a new place. A.instruction B.action C.information D.direction 5.You will have a better _____ of passing your exams if you work harder. A.chance B.mistake C.danger D.journey 6.—Excuse me, is the library open on Sunday —Yes. it’s open both on _____ and weekends. A.vacations B.daytimes C.weekdays D.festivals 7.He goes to school on foot _____. A.everyday B.daytime C.day by day D.every day 8.If you don’t keep watering the flowers, they will _____ soon. A.die B.sleep C.laugh D.lose 9.The painting is interesting. The people in it look real. They seem to be _____. A.live B.alive C.living D.lively 10.No.9 Middle School _____ No.2 Middle School in the football match yesterday. A.passed B.lost C.won D.beat 11.No.5 Middle School _____ No. 20 Middle School in the basketball match yesterday. A.passed B.lost C.beat D.won 12.We use “yyds” a lot on the Internet, but some people don’t know what it _____ stands for. A.exactly B.mostly C.mainly D.correctly 13.—What’s wrong with your computer —Oh, it doesn’t _____. A.work B.move C.speak D.run 14.The boy was so tired that he fell asleep on the sofa. His mother then _____ him with a coat. A.covered B.left C.moved D.surprised 15.Mrs. White has three children, but _____ of them live with her. A.both B.none C.no D.all 16.—Which of the two sweaters are you going to take —I’m going to take _____. One is for my brother and the other is for myself. A.either B.all C.both D.none 17.Wearing masks can keep you safe from COVID-19. _____, it can keep you warm in winter. A.Moreover B.Otherwise C.While D.Since 18.I’m busy with my work now and have no time to swim with you. _____, the water is too cold. A.Moreover B.Otherwise C.Instead D.However 19.It was a _____ that it was cloudy last Saturday. A.happy B.sad C.pity D.excited 20.When Biff entered high school, he made friends with some other students with the same _____ and started the DIY Club together. A.height B.interest C.quality D.personality 21.After entering high school, Biff made friends with some other students with the same _____ and started the DIY Club together. A.height B.interest C.quality D.personality 22.Young people are glad that the government (政府) is trying to _____ more jobs for them. A.miss B.create C.report D.compare 23.—What’s the most important ... ...

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