
Unit 5 Wild animals 重难单词短语与句型强化练(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:29次 大小:50991Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit5 Wild animals 重难单词、短语与句型强化练 一、根据汉语提示填空 1.I hope that you can (接受) my invitation and come to my party. 2.At the (开端) of the class, our teacher told us a funny story. 3.The girl is very ill and her life is in (危险). 4.This child never sleeps in the (白天). 5.There are many different cell types (细胞类型) in the (人类的) body. 6.Many people in Africa are suffering from (疾病). 7.Do you like (昆虫) I like them best. 8.Air pollution has (杀死) people. 9.We must follow the (法律). 10.Many wild animals’ (生活) areas are becoming smaller and smaller. 11.Some children can’t go to school, (主要地) in poor countries. 12. (没有一个) of the teachers likes this naughty boy except Mr. Wang. 13.Take the medicine; (否则) , you will get worse. 14.He doesn’t think the (质量)of the machine is up to standard. 15.The news on TV (报道,公布) there was a heavy storm coming. 16.Who knows the (结果)of yesterday’s basketball match between Grade 1 and 2 17.A feeling of (羞愧) came over her. 18.There are about 50 billion (野生的) birds living on the Earth. 19.What (行动) should we take to protect giant pandas 20.The more careful you are, the (少) mistakes you will make. 二、根据首字母填空 21.In China, people usually a a gift with both hands. 22.Sun Li is a good actress and she a very well. 23.A speak louder than words. 24.Good b is half done, so I should work hard in the new school. 25.The teacher interested his students at the b of the class with a funny question. They kept finding out the answer the rest of the class. 26.Molly was so sad to hear that many animals are in great d because of human activities. 27.His father d in a car accident. 28.It can get into the h body and cause disease. 29.His grandma went to hospital and her i is so serious. 30.We shouldn’t k a lot of animals every year. 31.I always get l when I visit the big city because I’m not familiar with the streets. 32.He l his job because he was too careless. 33.Mr. Black no longer lives here. He has m away to the town. 34.I have three pens, but n of them works, so I need to buy the new ones. 35.We should protect the w animals. 三、根据英文解释填空 36.As we know, giant pandas live (more than anything else) on a special kind of Bamboo. 37.The students in our school are (more important than anything else) from Sihong. 38.Nancy received a present yesterday, but she didn’t _____ (take something willingly) it. 四、用所给单词的正确形式填空 39.Would you like (visit) the Science Museum 40.I wonder what (happen) when they get to know the news. 41.The students at this school are (main) from the countryside. 42.A tiger (kill) a small animal if it is hungry. 43.The soup (smell) sweet. I’m sure it’s delicious. 44.“Do you enjoy (be) with us ” they asked me. 45.Call me when you (arrive) in Shanghai. 46.The Greens decided (move) to Canada because Mr Green found a job there. 47.Thank you for (lend) me your dictionary. 48.Linda i ... ...

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