
黑龙江省哈尔滨市2024年中考英语最后冲刺作文素材 倒装句 、主语从句 、状语从句的运用

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:21次 大小:31644Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024中考英语最后冲刺作文素材 一、倒装句 二、主语从句 三、状语从句 一、倒装句 (一)倒装句是“必杀”级别的闪光句型,只要能正确使用,必然能获得文采分。很多同学对倒装句有着天然的畏惧心理,以为倒装句一定很复杂。事实上倒装句渗透着英语的各个方面,我们日常生活动使用的there be句型甚至一些简单的交际用语都是倒装句。当然there be句型并不算闪光句型。 (二)四种常见的倒装句型: 1. Only 倒装 句式: Only+状语+情/助/be+主语+其它 Only when/if/by doing/in this way/ only then 练习: 1)只有用这种方法我们才能提高英语。 We can improve our English only when we have many more conversations in English with our partners. = Only when we have many more conversations in English with our partners our spoken English. 2)只有经常和父母交流我们才能和父母之间形成和谐的关系。 We can have a better relationship only by communicating with our parents often. =Only by communicating with our parents often, a better relationship. 3)惟虚心乃能进步。 You can make progress only if you are modest. =Only if you are modest make progress. 4)只有这样,我们的未来才会变得更美好. We can have a much better future only in this way. =Only in this way have a much better future. 注:如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装。 2. Not only…but also 倒装 句式: Not only+情/助/be+主语+其它, but (also) +陈述句。 积极地参加多种课余活动不仅能扩展我们额视野,而且也能帮助我们交到更多的朋友 =Taking part in different kinds of school activities actively can not only broaden our horizons but also help us make many friends. =Not only taking part in different kinds of school activities actively our horizons but also help us make many friends. 4. So+主语+情/助/be. 主语的确…… 1)阅读在我们的生活中发挥着重要的作用,的确是这样的。 Reading plays a very important role in our life, so . 2) So+情/助/be+主语. 主语也……。 Adults should make a contribution to protecting the environment, so middle school students. 二、主语从句 主语从句:即用句子作主语,通常由连词that和whether、连接代词或连接副词以及关系代词型what引导。 一、主语从句的结构 1. that引导 That he is still alive is a wonder. 他还活着, 真是奇迹。 主语从句与形式主语it:有时为了考虑句子平衡,通常使用形式主语it来代替从句部分,真正主语后移。 That he is still alive is a wonder. ——— is a wonder that he is still alive. 结果是它是一个户外聚会。 It it was an outdoor party. 2. whether 引导 你是不是能取得好成绩取决于你的学习习惯。 or not you can get good grades on your learning habits. 3.关系代词引导 我选择哪一部电影取决于我那天的心情。 Which movie depends on how I feel that day. 4.关系副词引导 巨石阵是怎样建造的至今仍是个迷。 Stonehenge is still a mystery so far. 主语从句的应用 1.很遗憾那么多消极的变化出现在你的生活里。 It's a pity that so many negative changes appear in your life. 2.我老师的特别的品质总是让我记忆犹新。 always brings back memories of my teacher is his special quality. 3.父母一定会一直陪伴我们并给与最纯真的爱,不求回报。 that parents are always for us and give the purest love without anything . 4.我们现在能做的不仅仅是理解他们,还要关心他人和帮助他人 now is not on ... ...

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