
2024年山东省济南中考英语卷应用文以“An English Textbook Drama Show”写一篇新闻稿讲义

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:97次 大小:21232Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年济南中考英语卷应用文以“An English Textbook Drama Show”写一篇新闻稿 假如你是李华,你校和希望中学(Hope Middle School)是友好学校,上周五你校和希望中学英语社团在希望学校举行了英语戏剧表演。请你以“An English Textbook Drama Show”写一篇新闻稿,不少于100词。 写作要求:1.时间、地点及参会人员;2.简要介绍过程;3.活动意义。 参考词汇:友好学校sister school;英语戏剧表演an English textbook drama show A Middle School Text book Drama Show _____ 整体解读 2024 年济南中考英语作文,强调了语言学习需要在语言环境下学习的重要性,体现了我们学习英语的目的越来越倾向于实际运用,及听力和口语表达的重要性,鼓励学生把英语当作一门语言,把英语这门学科转化为有力的语言工具,而不仅仅是为了考试而学,要更加重视英语学习的实用性。同时通过两个学校一起做课文戏剧表演的活动,展示出学好课内课文是系统学好英语的第一步,先抓好基础学习,才能搞好拓展训练。 题目详解 体裁:新闻报道 时态:一般过去时 人称:第一人称为主 题目:A Middle School Text book Drama Show 题目内容:两所学校一起举办英语课本剧 题目要求:写一篇演讲稿,写出时间,地点,过程以及课本剧的意义 写作步骤 第1步:直接描述活动过程,包括时间,地点和参加人员第2步:说明节目的成功过程 第3步:表达自己的观点:两个友好学校的友谊,提高英语口语,期待更多类似活动等 高分词汇和句型参考 1. take place 举办 2.be based on 以什么为基础 3. offer sb sth /offer sth to sb 4.What's more 此外 5.enhance 增强 6.the students who came from...定语从句的使用 参考范文1 An English Textbook Drama Show Last Friday an English textbook drama show was held between our school and Hope Middle School on the school hall. Crowds of students and English teachers took part in it. The drama show was divided into three parts in total. To begin with, the students from our school performed the story "Yu Gong Moves the Mountains". In addition, the students from Hope Middle School played "The Monkey King" which is one of the most popular stories in China. All the players gave a wonderful performance. At last we together with students from Hope Middle School sang some English songs and took a great many photos. This activity is of great significance. Not only does it promote the friendship between us, but also it arouses the students' interest in English. Hope more activities will be held in the future. 参考范文2 An English Textbook Drama Show In order to promote (高分句型)the friendship between the two schools and improve the abilities of learning English, an English text book drama performance was organized(被动语态) between our sister school, Hope Middle School, and us. The activity took place in the school hall last Friday. After a lecture delivered by our headmaster, the performance began. There were 7 English textbook dramas performed, including Journey to the West, and My Fair Lady, which are adapted and performed by the students according to the content of the text.(非限定性定语从句) The performance showed the new model of English colorful classroom, made students accept knowledge in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, effectively promoted the reform of classroom teaching in the schoo ... ...

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