
2024年安徽省中考英语试题作文--How to Use?a Fire Extinguisher 分析+参考范文6篇

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:67次 大小:22323Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年安徽省中考英语试题作文--How to Use a Fire Extinguisher 假设你是李辉,在学校举行安全消防日中你学会如何使用灭火器,结合以下信息,写一篇英文短文,给校英语报投稿。 要求:1、活动目的 2、灭火器的使用3、你的体会 单词:1灭火器(fire extinguisher) 2软管(tube) 3消防栓(safey pin) 4把手(handle) 关键词:压下 对准 拔出Last week,our school carried out Fire Safety Day activity... 审题: 时态:一般过去时加一般现在时。 人称:是给校报投稿,以第一人称开头,以第一人称结尾,中间适当加祈使句,讲灭火器的使用方法。 布局: 第一段:谈安全的重要性,引出话题。 第二段:根据已有提示,进行第二段架构。段落内部形成总分总结构。 第三段:写收获,写活动的意义。 参考范文1: How to Use a Fire Extinguisher When you need to use a fire extinguisher, the first crucial step is to check the pressure gauge to make sure it is in a proper working state. After that, swiftly pull out the safety pin. Then, firmly hold the extinguisher with both hands and point the nozzle directly at the base of the fire. Squeeze the handle forcefully to discharge the extinguishing agent. As you do this, smoothly move the nozzle from side to side to comprehensively cover the entire area of the fire. It is essential to maintain a safe distance from the fire to protect yourself. And don't forget to call the fire department promptly after using the extinguisher. Having a clear understanding of how to use a fire extinguisher accurately is of great significance in dealing with potential fires efficiently and safeguarding lives and property. 当你需要使用灭火器时,第一个关键步骤是检查压力表以确保其处于正常工作状态。之后,迅速拔出安全销。然后,用双手紧紧握住灭火器,并将喷嘴直接对准火源底部。用力挤压手柄以释放灭火剂。在这样做时,平稳地从一侧到另一侧移动喷嘴,以全面覆盖火灾区域。与火保持安全距离是至关重要的。并且在使用灭火器后不要忘记立即拨打消防部门电话。清楚地了解如何准确使用灭火器对于有效处理潜在火灾以及保护生命和财产具有重要意义。 参考范文2 How to Use a Fire Extinguisher Last week, our school carried out Fire Safety Day activities. During the event, I had the opportunity to learn how to use a fire extinguisher properly. Firstly, locate the safety pin on the extinguisher and pull it out to activate the device. Next, aim tube at the base of the fire where the flames are coming from. Then, firmly squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent. Move the tube from side to side until the fire is completely out. Remember, it's crucial to stand at a safe distance while using the extinguisher. This experience taught me valuable skills that could potentially save lives in the future. 上周,我们学校举行了消防安全日活动。在活动中,我有机会学习如何正确使用灭火器。 首先,找到灭火器上的保险销,拔出以激活设备。接下来,将喷嘴或软管对准火焰的底部。然后,牢固地按住把手,释放灭火剂。将喷嘴从一边移动到另一边,直到火灾完全扑灭。记住,在使用灭火器时要保持安全距离。 这次经历使我学会了一项能够在未来潜在拯救生命的宝贵技能。 参考范文3 Last week, our school carried out Fire Safety Day activities. This activity helped us learn a ... ...

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