
Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands单元练习(无答案)人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:93次 大小:29204Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 10 单元练习 一、根据句子意思和首字母补全单词 1.The g_____ drop in temperature fails to draw people’s attention, so many people catch colds due to it. 2.After e_____ the information they’ve found with each other, the two groups got to know more about the project. 3.I happened to attend a meeting near your workplace so I just d_____ by to see how you were getting on. 4.The couple felt scared when they heard a loud k_____ on the window at midnight. 5.Maria e_____ all the things out of her bag but still couldn’t find her keys. 二、选择方框中单词并用其适当形式填空 It is very dangerous to talk on the phone when we a car. If you lose yourself in playing with the mobile phone on the bus,your wallet by the thief. Everyone,you need to have a dream.The future of China you. Our hometown is developing rapidly.Great changes over the years. She likes vegetables very much,but when she was young,she meat.三、选择题 ( )1. — Why do you look sad — Everyone will go to the party      me. A. except B. with C. besides ( )2. In many western countries , it’s impolite to_____at someone’s house for the first time with empty hands. A.show up B. show off C. show around ( )3. As soon as I_____ my hands, the boy called Santo bowed. A.held up B. held out C. held on to ( )4. — To attend a concert, you are      to shut off your mobile phone.— Thanks for telling me about it. A. allowed B. expected C. accepted ( )5. 4.In the course of hunting jobs,many companies _____more personal qualities and social skills. A. value B. worth C. regard ( )6. — How was your trip to Hainan this summer — Well, there was a typhoon (台风).      you can imagine, we had to stay in the hotel for two days. A. As B. Since C. Though ( )7. --Did you rent (租) a car when you were in Hong Kong --Yes. But I    there because the traffic moves on the left. didn’t use to drive B. didn’t use to driving C. didn’t get used to driving ( )8. — Airbus 380 is the largest plane in the world. — So it is. An Airbus 380 needs a 3,600-meter-long airstrip (跑道) to     . A. get off B. take off C. keep off ( )9. — It is good of you to go out of your way      us at the station.— It’s my pleasure. A. met B. meeting C.. to meet ( )10. — I just feel      impolite of James to make noise while eating. — You’re right. He should be taught to eat with mouth closed. A. that B. him C. it ( )11. — I seldom keep      on my computer for more than an hour. — Is that so But you seem to be comfortable    games on your iPad for hours. A. working; playing B. working; play C. to work; playing ( )12. — The Brazilian football star, Neymar, didn’t play well in the 2014 World Cup. — But he tried his best.     , it was his first World Cup. A.All in all B. At all C. After all ( )13. — Nobody except Jim and Lucy      that island. — That’s true. Only they can be the guides. A. has been to B. has gone to C. have been to ( )14. — In Western countries, it is impolite to ask a lady   ... ...

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