

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:74次 大小:83923Byte 来源:二一课件通
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哈市中考英语作文考前冲刺 话题一 谈谈三年来你的改变或家乡的改变 Changes in My Hometown My hometown has changed a lot in the last few years. In the past, there were a lot of old houses. The river used to be very dirty. It always smelled bad. It is not convenient for people to go to work by bike or on foot.But now things are different. There are more tall buildings here than before. The river is so clean that people can swim in it. What's more, people take buses or drive their own cars to work. I am happy to see that my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful. “课后服务”的推行让我们既可以在老师或同学的帮助下及时完成作业,又可以有更多的时间锻炼身体、发展爱好,等等。假如你是育才中学的李华,你的笔友 Mike想了解你们学校的“课后服务”情况,请根据以下提示,与用英文写一封信,告诉Mike 你参加课后延时服务前后的变化及感受。 Dear Mike, Our school has offered after-school service recently. I used to go home after school at three to do my homework. We used to have a lot of homework as well as a lot of papers. I used to play computer games for a long time. Now because of the after-school service, my life is rich and colorful . Our homework is reduced. And I can finish it soon. Then I can join some school clubs,such as sports clubs. I am good at playing basketball. I play basketball with my classmates after school. I hope there will be more competitions at school, such as basketball competitions and writing competitions. 我们在变化中成长,成长让我们的人生充满意义。回首三年初中时光,我们在学习、思想、性格、生活等方面发生了很多变化。你所在学校公众号的英语写作栏目正在开展“我的成长”征文活动,请分享你初中三年中的成长故事,具体讲述其中一个变化。 提示: 1.变化是什么 2.因为什么改变了 3.你从中得到了什么启发 I have changed a lot these years. I used to be lazy and wasn't interested in English. I was not good at communicating with others, either. Last year, my new English teacher, Mrs. Liu, had a long conversation with me. She gave me great help and encouraged me not to give up. She taught me some good ways of learningEnglish. So I made a decision to study hard at English. For example, I took notes in class. Iwatched English movies as often as possible. I spent much time learning English every day.Besides, she encouraged me to make more friends and be friendly to others. With her help, Ibecame much more outgoing and had great friends. Now I'm glad that I have made some progress and caught up with others in my class. I think you can get better as long as you work hard enough. 话题二 感恩的人和事 遨游在学海中的我们,在努力拼搏的同时,也在一天天地进步着。而我们的进步,除了自己的努力之外,还源于那些在我们周围帮助我们的人(父母、老师、同学) 。知恩才会感恩,感恩才会使我们幸福快乐,才能努力学习,以优异的成绩去回报他们。请以“My thanksto you all”为题,向他们表达一下你的感恩之心。 How time flies! I'm a student in Grade Nine now. Thank all of you for giving me so much love and help during my life. Firstly, I'd like to thank my great teachers. They teach me not only how to learn ... ...

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