

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:60次 大小:38768Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考英语主题重点句型 一.人物与介绍 1.I was born on July 10, 1996.我出生于1996年7月10日。 2. I want to be a scientist when I grow up. 我长大后想成为科学家。 3. He is really tall and he has curly hair. 他个子很高,长了一头卷发 4. She always wears a red dress and white shoes. 她总是穿着红色的裙子和白色的鞋子 5. What color are your eyes and hair 你的眼睛和头发是什么颜色的 6. He has short straight hair. 他的头发又短又直 7. She is good-looking but she is a little bit quiet. 她很漂亮但有点内向 8. I used to be really quiet but I am very outgoing now. 我曾经很内向,但现在很开朗 9. Mary is thin and she is of medium height. 玛丽很瘦,中等身高 10.I want to be a basketball player.我想成为一名篮球运动员。 11.She used to be timid, but now she is brave.她曾经很胆小,但现在很勇敢。 二.兴趣与爱好 12. I have many hobbies, such as playing computer games, listening to music and so on. 我有很多爱好,例如玩电脑游戏、听音乐等等。 13. I am good at playing basketball and I am interested in painting. 我擅长打篮球,对画画感兴趣。 14. I'm keen on helping those who are in trouble. 我热衷于帮助那些有困难的人。 15. I enjoy playing Chinese chess with my grandfather.我喜欢和祖父一起下中国象棋。 16. He was interested in story-telling when he was four years old. 他四岁的时候,对讲故事很感兴趣。 17. I began / started to write stories 5 years ago.我五年前开始写故事。 18. Laughing is a good way to relax. 大笑两小时是放松的一种好方法。 19. My hobby is collecting stamps. 我的爱好是集邮。 20. I like doing sports in the sun if I go to the beach. 如果去沙滩的话,我喜欢在烈日下运动。 21. I am keen on drawing pictures. 我很喜欢画画。 22. I spent twenty years(in)writing the novel.我花了20年写这部小说。 23. It took me more than a year to learn to draw a beautiful horse in five minutes. 学会在五分钟内画一匹漂亮的马花了我一年多的时间。 24. He often plays football with friends on weekends. 他周末经常跟朋友踢足球。 25. Hobbies can make us learn new skills and help us grow as a person. 爱好能够帮助我们学会新技能,同时也可以帮助我们完善自身。 三、语言与环境 26. I find it hard to speak English well. 我发现说好英语很难。 27.It’s necessary for us to learn English well.学好英语对我们来说很有必要。 28.It’s very important to learn Chinese well.学好中文很重要。 29. Read aloud and speak English with your friends as much as possible. 大声朗读,尽可能与你的朋友多说英文。 30.You should do exercise as much as possible.你应该尽可能地多做练习。 31. It’s also a good way to sing English songs. 唱英文歌也是一种好方法。 32. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 33. From now on, I not only study harder but also try my best to get better grades.从今以后,我不但要更加努力学习还要尽力取得更好的成绩。 34. Never give up and you will be successful. 永不言弃,你就会成功。 35. Once he makes up his mind, nobody can change his mind. 一旦他决定做什么事情,没有谁可以改变他的主意。 36. Something must be done to stop the pollution.必须做点事去遏制污染。 37. It’s our duty to protect our environment. 保护环境,人人有责。 38. We are supposed ... ...

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