

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:60次 大小:26748Byte 来源:二一课件通
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写作高级表达技巧 积累高阶词汇 词性 普通词汇 高阶词(组) 普通词汇 高阶词(组) 名词 wealth(财富) treasure,fortune way(方法) method,means chance(机会) opportunity difficulty(困难) challenge 动词 use(使用) take advantage of, make good/full use of, put sth. to good use like(喜欢) admire, be fond of, be interested in, be crazy about, fall in love with try(尝试) make efforts to do grow(增长) rise, improve, increase, hope(希望) expect(to do), look forward to doing cause(导致) lead to, result in keep(保持) stick to, insist on finish(完成) achieve, complete 形容词 bad(坏的) awful, terrible helpful (有帮助的) be of great help good (好的;优秀的) perfect, fantastic, excellent, outstanding happy (高兴的) pleased,cheerful, joyful beautiful/pretty (漂亮的) attractive, fascinating Clever (聪明的) wise,bright, intelligent hopeful (有希望的) promising Tired (劳累的) Worn out 增加句式多样性 一、复合句 (一)并列复合句 分点讲解 ①表并列:常用and,not only...but also...,both...and...和neither...nor... 例1: He is not tall. He is not short.→He is neither tall nor short. ②表转折:常用but 例2: I like coffee. Mary dislikes coffee.→I like coffee but Mary dislikes it. ③表选择:常用or,either...or... 例3: Will you go swimming?Will you go fishing?→Will you go swimming or fishing? ④表因果:常用so 例4: She had a cold. She went to a doctor. →She had a cold,so she went to a doctor. 即时训练 1. I will join the art club . Mary will join the art club.(用both...and...) _____ 2. Joining a sports club makes me healthy. Joining a sports club helps me make more friends.(用not only...but also...) _____ 3. My father reads newspapers after dinner. My father listens to the radio after dinner.(用either...or...) _____ 4. Jim studied hard. He got good grades in the final exams.(用so) _____ (二)主从复合句 (1)状语从句 分点讲解 ①时间状语从句:when,while,since,before,after,until/till,as soon as等 例1: I feel nervous before an exam. I will listen to some relaxing music. →When I feel nervous before an exam,I will listen to some relaxing music. ②让步状语从句:though/although,even though/if,whatever等 例2: I still like our English teacher. Our English teacher is sometimes strict with us. →Although/Though our English teacher is sometimes strict with us,I still like him. ③条件状语从句:if,unless,as long as 例3: You study hard. I'm sure your grades will greatly improve. →If you study hard,I'm sure your grades will greatly improve. ④原因状语从句:because 例4: Children love winter. Children love to play in the snow. →Children love winter because they love to play in the snow. ⑤目的状语从句:so that,in order that 例5: I have made up my mind to do what I really want to do. I can achieve my dream. →I have made up my mind to do what I really want to do so that I can achieve my dream. ⑥结果状语从句:so...that...,such...that... 例6: My math teacher makes her class interesting. I start to fall in love with math. →My math teacher ... ...

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