
人教版(2019)选择性必修 2二Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Reading and Thinking课件(共27张PPT,内镶嵌3视频)

日期:2024-09-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:69次 大小:33928997Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Read about Xie Lei’s experience on an exchange programme Unit2 BRIDGING CULTURES Reading & Thinking Learning Objectives Enable the Ss to read about Xie Lei’s experience on an exchange program in London. Enable the Ss to understand the structure and the writing style of the passage well. Let the Ss learn some reading strategies by scanning and skimming. To learn from Xie Lei’s experiences and spirits. 中国留学生布朗大学惊艳演讲 My China Surprise What difficulties will they meet What is the life like for exchange students while staying in other countries What is the life like for exchange students Think about what it might be like if you study in a place where you've never been. How will you feel What problems might you face unsure puzzled lost confused shocked excited curious ambitious hopeful longing currency differences homesickness language barrier loneliness cultural shock academic difficulties 身份证 签证卡 护照 当地习俗 What do we need to prepare Brainstorming 1. The source The text is most likely to be taken from_____ A. a science magzine B. a school newspaper B 2. Main idea What will be talked about _____. A. the introduction of Xie Lei’s foreign learning life at a university in London B. Xie Lei's life in her second family in London A Pre-reading: Think and predict 3. What kind of genre(体裁)is this text A. exposition 说明文 B. narration 记叙文 C. news report/ feature新闻特写 D. argumentation 议论文 Para 8 We will follow Xie Lei’s progress in later editions, but ... heading subheading While-reading 4. How does the author develop this passage Time clue 时间线索 5. Read the whole text quickly and then fill in the blanks. Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 5-6 Para. 7 _____ requirements in the new school. Her _____ to set uo a business in China. Leaving China for _____. Feeling much more _____. Her _____ to the new culture. Para. 3-4 Best _____ from the newspaper. Para. 8 London ambition adaptation Academic wishes at home Let’s divide the text into three parts. Summarize the main idea of each part. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 The _____ that Xie Lei faced and ____ she handled them. challenges how Brief introduction to Xie Lei and _____ _____ _____ to Xie Lei Best wishes she went abroad to study the reason why What were the challenges (Para1-2) (Para 3-7) (Para 8) Challenges (P3-7) Daily life Academic requirements adaptation to a whole new life Learn to_____; Learn to_____ ; asked for _ _____; loneliness Lived with _____. Daily life (P3-4) Challenges What Xie Lei did use public transport help when she got lost ask for things she didn’t know a host family language barrier Reason: may not get used to the speed of native speakers; may not get used to the accent of native speakers; may not be familiar with English idioms. homesick-ness culture shock got help from _____ ; _____a lot to prepare participating in _____ and giving_____ gave presentation on _____ Academic requirements(P3-4) Challenges ... ...

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