

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:15次 大小:48453Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考冲刺 名词 写出下列名词的复数 day _____ monkey _____ German _____ boy _____ zoo _____ class _____ glass _____ bus _____ watch _____ peach _____ beach _____ brush _____ dish _____ box _____ fox _____ potato _____ tomato _____ mango _____ hero _____ photo _____ video _____ radio _____ piano _____ thief _____ scarf _____ self _____ wolf _____ leaf _____ half _____ wife _____ knife _____ life _____ city _____ story _____ strawberry _____ baby _____ country _____ party _____ family _____ library _____ candy _____ lady _____ man _____ Englishman _____ woman _____ Frenchwoman _____ foot _____ goose _____ tooth _____ ox _____ person _____ child _____ mouse _____ Chinese _____ Japanese _____ deer _____ sheep _____ apple tree _____ book shop _____ girl student _____ passer-by _____ man doctor _____ woman teacher _____ fish _____(强调种类不同时应写作_____) 单项选择 ( ) The students of Grade 7 visited Mike's farm and saw many _____ there. A. pig B. dog C. deer D. rabbit ( ) 10th September is _____ Day. A. Teachers B. Teachers' C. Teacher's D. Teacher ( ) It is about a _____ from my home to school. A. 5 minutes' walk B. 5 minute's walk C. 5 minutes walk D. 5 minute walk ( ) It is about a _____ from the bank to the hospital. A. ten minutes ride B. ten-minutes-ride C. ten-minute-ride D. ten-minutes'-ride ( ) _____ is a doctor. A. Tom and Ben's father C. Tom's and Ben's father B. Tom's and Ben's fathers D. Tom's and Ben father ( ) _____ are teachers. A. Jenny and Sarah's mother C. Jenny's and Sarah mothers B. Jenny's and Sarah's mother D. Jenny's and Sarah's mothers ( ) I met two _____ and three _____ yesterday. A. Chinese; Germen B. Chinese; Germans C. Chineses; Germen D. Chineses; Germans 冠词 用a、an、the或/填空 I have _____ ruler. I have _____ eraser. Where is _____ book Can you speak _____ Chinese _____ maths is my favourite subject. There is _____ "M" and _____ "U" in my English name. It's cold outside. Do you have _____ coat Nowadays, _____ car is important for us. _____ bear can be really dangerous for human. What do you do on _____ Saturday What do you do at _____ weekend What do you do in _____ Spring What do you do in _____ November I visited _____ Summer Palace last year. He is _____ honest boy. It took me _____ hour to go there. The couple decided to build _____ university to honour their son. She is sad because she has _____ unhappy mother. Who has been to _____ moon My father was born in _____ 1960s. _____ Smiths are my friends. _____ rich should help _____ poor. I can play _____ violin. We are not allowed to play _____ cards in school. I don't know how to play _____ chess. He likes to play _____ volleyball. She is always _____ first one to leave. _____ oldest woman in the world is still healthy. Who is _____ last one No one is _____ same. _____ only girl I know in the town is her. He punched me on _____ face. I was born in _____ America. I live in _____ United States of America. I work in _____ morning. _____ friendship is important. Have yo ... ...

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