

日期:2024-09-14 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:38次 大小:2247223Byte 来源:二一课件通
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01),里碧存中 小学六年级英语学科第四阶段练习题224.6 IV.单项选择。(10分) 满分:100分 考试时间:40分钟 )1.Children around the world enjoy_ Andersen's stories. 题号 总分 A.read B.reading C.to read VI D.to reading ( )2.The sun can make the plants 得分 A.growing B.to grow D.grow ()3.It was hot.A man C.grows his clothes and went swimming. 【找出每组单词划线部分发音不同的选项,将序号写在括号里。(5分)由 dA.(took off B.takeloffC.oput on D.put off oedt ban ( )4.Thanksgiving is a holiday in ( )1.A.snow B.cow C.thro量0五转D.fo11ow A.England B.German C.Australia D.the US i(b)5.d do people usually do at this festival ib ( )2.A.carB.larges C.March D.January A.Where B.How C.What D.When ( )3.A.cough B,lau。AC.bright D.enough ( )6.He didn't catch the train_ .he got up late, A.so B.for C.because D.that来1 ( )4.A.circleB.Cinderella C.Christmas D.cloth ()7.They were very ()5.A.eggs 8 bang: B.maps C.desks D.trucks A.excited B.excite C.excites D.exciting ( your mother II.找出每组单词中不属于同类的选项,将其前面的标号写到括号中。(5分) B.with C..to )9.Father Christmas was his way to give presents to children ()1.A.smoking B.spring C.fishing D.swimming 词绿A.in为 B.on C.atn boi aid D.bby tlobu ()2.A.vase)B.rulern C.pen )10. D.rubber -Two dollars. A.How many are there B.How much is it ()3.A.must B.can C.have D.may 文静 C.How much it is D.How many they are ( )4.A.Chinese B.Danish C.Germanv D.America V.图文配对。将英文描述前的标号写到相对应的图片下的括号里。(10分) ( )5.A.north:则B.western,C.east张aD.Isouth Ⅲ.,按要求完成下列单词和短语。(20分) 1.big. (比较级) 2.knife. (复数) 3.begin (现在分词) 4.box. (复数) 5.five (序数词) 6.clean. (反义词) A.aFive peas lived in pod.bed neuy 0 a doums box 7.drink (过去式) 8.them_ (反身代词) B.Easter is on a Sundayin March or April. C.In the past there were many pandas. wud A .S( 9.laugh (过去式)10.poo1 (改变一个字母变成新词并翻 D.Christmas is on 25 December. 译) F.Sometimes I go fishing with my grandpa. 小学英语六年级下册第四阶段练习题 第1页共2页

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