

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:86次 大小:32172Byte 来源:二一课件通
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暑假练习八年级英语下册 一、根据句意填空,使句子通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。 1. Tom was late for school _____ his bike was broken on the way to school. 2. The kids will have a picnic _____ it is fine tomorrow. 3. I will wait _____ Miss Hunt comes back from work. 4. Children, you can eat _____ you like. 5. It's hard for him to make a choice _____ these two wonderful movies. 二、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。 1. You shouldn't _____ him although he disagrees with you. 2. This book is mainly about how _____ people around you. 3. Could you explain to me how to _____ the problem 4. I think we need _____ and have a talk. 5. Helen is my best friend. I _____ almost everything with her. 三、翻译。 1. 感到恶心 2. .介意做某事 3. . 继续或坚持做某事 4. 准备好/乐意做某事 5. 用完;用尽 6 +n.复数 ……之一 7. 习惯做某事 8. 把……带到 9. .叮嘱某人(不)做某事 10. 使....... 惊讶的 11. 同意做某事 12. 需要做某事 13. 看见某人正在做…(全过程/经常做) 14. 看见某人做某事(正在做) 15.put some medicine on sth. 16. 以同样的方式 17. 大声呼救 四、翻译下列句子。 1.这个城市150,000平方公里。 The city is 150,000_____ _____ _____ _____. 2.Tom比队里的任何一个运动员都高。 Tom is_____than _____ _____ _____ in the team. 3.中国的人口是多少? _____ is the _____ of China 4.分之二的人口来自农村。 _____ _____ of the population _____from the country. 5.姚明是世界上最优秀的篮球明星之一。 Yao Ming is one of _____ _____ basketball _____ _____the world. 6.许多人有呼吸困难。 Many people have _____ ( in ) _____ _____ air. 7.在困难面前,我们应该从不放弃。 We should never_____ _____ in the_____ ___ difficulties. 五、句型转换。 1. They have ever been to an English-speaking country. (改为一般疑问句) _____ they ever _____ to an English-speaking country 2. My parents have been to America. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ parents been 3. The students of Class Three have finished their homework. (改为否定句) The students of Class Three _____ _____ their homework. 4. The three students have been together for 3 hours. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ have the three students together 5. Mom cleaned the room yesterday. (改为现在完成时) Mom _____ _____ the room. 六、请根据短文内容,用恰当的词语填空,使短文 意思完整、通顺。 Once ( 1) a time, several people got a pot(壶) of wine and each of them wanted to drink it (2)a . So they made a rule. Everyone would draw a snake with a (3)__ (棍)on the ground and the one who could finish (4)f___would drink the wine. Soon, one of them finished his drawing. When he picked (5)___ the wine, he saw the others were still busy(6) (draw) so he decided to add two (7)___(foot) to his snake. But before he finished, another man finished his picture and (8) (take) away the pot. He said, “Snakes have no feet, so the wine should be mine.” Then he (9) (drink) all the wine. The story tells us that going too far is as bad ( 10) not going far enough. 七、完成短文。 It is necessary to learn how to communicate with people from other cultures to build good relationships with them. ___1_____ Le ... ...

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