
2024-2025学年人教版九年级全册Unit 1 How can we become good learners?Section A(1a-2d)同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:76次 大小:20398Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九年级上册Unit1Section A(1a-2d)同步练习 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。 1.The doctor goes to see those _____(病人)every day. 2.Please make two _____(句子)with these new words. 3.With the help of my father,I had an interesting _____ (谈话)with ChatGPT. 4.Miss Wang asked her students to open their _____ and turn to Page 10. 5.Jack needs to read the newspaper_____ for his grandmother because of her poor hearing. 6.Sam's_____ is not very good,and no one can understand what he is saying. 二、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 7.We can save money by_____ (cook) our own meals instead of eating outside. 8.The workers haven't finished _____ (paint) the walls of the building yet. 9.Can you try to guess a word's _____ (mean)while reading a passage 10.I'm a slow _____ (read).Please give me more time to enjoy the book. 11.Just like _____ (speak) language, body language is different from culture to culture. 12.The ___ (hard) you study,the ____ (much)progress you will make. 三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 13.苏珊喜欢孩子,所以对他们很有耐心。 Susan loves children,so she _____ _____ _____ them. 14.走了两个小时,她太累了,实在走不动了。 After walking for two hours,she was _____ _____ _____ keep walking. 15.起初,你为什么不向老师求助呢? _____ _____,why don't you the teacher help 16.李鑫经常和同学们用英语交谈。 Li Xin often _____ _____ _____ her classmates in English. 17.你可以在十分钟内获取这篇文章的大意吗? Can you_____ the_____ _____ of the article in ten minutes 18.读一篇文章时,你最好不要一个字一个字地读。 When you red an article,you'd better not read it _____ _____ _____. 四、通读对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。 A:I heard you got an A in the English exam,didn't you B:19._____It's a piece of cake. A:20._____ B:I learn English by reading the texts every morning. What about you A: 2 1 ._____ B:22._____ A:I like math best. I think it's very interesting. B:I don't like it, because I think it's too difficult.And I have some problems with it. A:I can help you with math every weekend if you want. B:You are so kind. Thanks a lot. A:23._____ 参考答案 一-二单词填空 patients sentences conversation textbooks aloud pronunciation cooking painting meaning reader spoken harder more 三、完成句子 is patient with too tired to At first ask for has conversations with get main idea word by word 四、补全对话 19.Yes,I did/Yes 20.How do you learn English 21.I learn English by listening to tape/watching English movies 22.What's your favorite subject/What subject do you like best 23.You're welcome

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