
Module 6 Problems课件(共5件打包)

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:96次 大小:694340Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 模块写作专训 Module 6 Problems 01 写作目标 02 写作演练 03 小试身手 目 录 本模块以“Problems”为话题,谈论了中学生成长过程中遇到的问 题,并对如何解决这些问题提出了建议。 [经典例题] 假设你叫李明,你的笔友Tony遇到了难题,他的朋友Michael化学 不好,经常想抄他的作业,他认为这是不对的,但他不知道该如何做, 所以他发邮件向你求助。请你给他回一封邮件,提出解决问题的建议。 80词左右。 [思路点拨] ① 时态:以一般现在时为主。 ② 人称:以第二人称为主。 ③ 写作时,第一步评价对方的做法;第二步对问题进行合理分 析;第三步对建议进行强调,表达愿望。注意条件状语的使用。 [写作提纲] [高分范文] Dear Tony, You’re right not to let Michael copy your answers. And you should tell him the reason for that. If he copies your answers, he will never do well in chemistry. If you have time, you can spend half an hour helping him every day. You should explain how to work out the problems to him. Also you can tell him some good ways to learn chemistry well. I hope he can learn well by himself in the end. Yours, Li Ming 你校将进行以“Control your anger and solve your problem”为题的 成长分享。请你写一篇发言稿,讲述你通过有效控制愤怒,成功解决某 一问题的小故事,并分享你的感悟。 要求:1. 80~120词,已给出部分不计入总词数;2. 文中不得出现 真实的姓名和学校名称。 Control your anger and solve your problem Have you ever controlled your anger and solved a problem? If you can control your anger, you will solve your problem successfully. Let me tell you a story.  Thanks for listening.  I remember when I was in Grade Seven, a boy beat me on my head. I was so angry that I wanted to fight back. Luckily, I calmed down. I told him the possible result of the fight. I wasn’t afraid of him but didn’t want us to get into trouble. The boy was sorry and apologised. Then we sat together and gave each other a smile. After that, we became friends.   So when we face something unusual, try to be thoughtful and have good communication. Maybe you can get more than you think. (课件网) 模块考点专训 Module 6 Problems 考点1 deal的用法 ( B )1. (2023·吉林模拟改编)I have to     this kind of problems every day. A. deal for B. deal with C. pick up D. look after B 2. 我们正试图与他们达成协议。 We are trying to them. 3. 我们应该学会自己处理问题。 We should learn to the problems by ourselves. make  a  deal  with  deal  with  考点2 fail, failure辨析 1. Linda failed (buy) the ticket to the concert. She was a little sad. 2. As the saying goes, “ (fail) is the mother of success.” I think all of us should remember it. ( A )3. I failed     my attempt to persuade her. A. in B. at C. on D. for to buy  Failure  A ( D )4. Lily was afraid that she would     her Chinese exam though she thought she did well in it. A. failure B. fall C. miss D. fail ( A )5. Please wake me up, or I’ll fail     the early bus tomorrow. A. to catch B. not to catch C. c ... ...

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