
Module 7 Great books单元习题课件(5份打包)外研版九年级上册

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:36次 大小:763998Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 模块写作专训 Module 7 Great books 01 写作目标 02 写作演练 03 小试身手 目 录 本模块以“Great books”为话题,谈论了古今中外的名著以及这些 名著带给人们的影响和深远意义。 [经典例题] 每年4月23日是“世界读书日”。请以“Reading”为话题写一篇英 语短文。 要求:1. 题目自拟,体裁不限;2. 内容完整,条理清晰,书写规 范;3. 词数90左右。 [思路点拨] ① 时态:以一般现在时为主。 ② 人称:以第三人称为主。 ③ 在写作时,我们首先开门见山说出读书的益处及重要性,再举 例说明读书的乐趣,最后发出读书的倡议。 [写作提纲] [高分范文] Reading Reading can not only broaden our horizon but also increase our knowledge. Reading is very important. By reading you can get all kinds of knowledge. Furthermore, reading books makes your life enjoyable. There are many books which are my favourites, such as The Old Man and the Sea, Little Red Riding Hood and so on. Every day I swim in the sea of books. I like reading them in my study after school. Reading is a kind of enjoyment and it is also a way to experience pleasure. Let’s study and experience the fun of reading together! 假如你是李华,请你以“My favourite book”为主题,写一篇英语 发言稿,在读书分享会中介绍自己最喜欢的一本书, 内容包括:1. 书名、书的类型和主要内容;2. 你喜欢这本书的 理由。 注意:词数80~100(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。 Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Li Hua. I’m very glad to share my favourite book with you.  My favourite book is Journey to the West, which is one of the Four Great Classical Novels in China. The book tells us about stories of four main characters. They are Tang Monk, the Monkey King, Piggie and Monk Sha. After getting over many difficulties on the way to the west, finally they made it. Among the four characters, the Monkey King is my favourite. He is so smart and brave that he can protect his master and brothers well. He never gives up when he faces difficulties and challenges.  That’s all. Thank you for your attention.  The book is so interesting that I lose myself in it. It tells me that as long as I never give up, I can achieve everything. (课件网) 模块考点专训 Module 7 Great books 考点1 spend, pay, cost, take辨析 1. It will me about two hours to fly to Beijing from my home town. 2. The bag was very good, and she 300 yuan for it. 3. The sweater is beautiful. It her 20 dollars. 4. You’d better not too much time on your mobile phone. take  paid  cost  spend  考点2 set的用法 ( D )1. Father     a printing business two years ago. A. set out B. set off C. set in D. set up ( A )2. The moment I got home, I     to do my homework. A. set out B. set off C. set in D. set up 3. Little Tom and his father (出发去) America last week. D A set  off  for  4. Lei Feng (树立了一个榜样) to us on being a helpful person. 5. The film (以……为背景) in a modern city. set  an  example  is  set  考点3 by the way, on one’s way, in the way辨析 ... ...

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