
专题03 短文填空--【真题荟萃】5年(2020-2024)真题 1年模拟 (江苏苏州专用)(含答案)

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:46次 大小:116137Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题03 短文填空--【真题荟萃】5年(2020-2024)真题 1年模拟 (江苏苏州专用) (2024·江苏苏州·中考真题)请认真阅读下面短文,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 When cultures meet, not just their language or clothing may be different. Often their food will be 1 (great) different too. People on both sides can discover new chances for trading. This text 2 (tell) how some common food plants spread around the world. As early as 5, 000 BC, 3 (potato) were traded in South America as a valuable type of food. They were 4 (take) to Europe in the 1500s and their use soon spread across it. Tea drinking started in China. By the early 1600s, traders had begun to ship tea from China to Europe. Tea drinking soon 5 (become) fashionable there but because 6 its high price, it remained a drink for the wealthy. Sugar cane (甘蔗) was first used to produce 7 kind of sweet juice over 8, 000 years ago on the island of New Guinea. Its use soon spread across South East Asia and then to the 8 (wide) world. Cocoa was used to make a cold, spicy drink in Central America over 3, 000 years ago. The Europeans brought it back with 9 (they) in the 1520s and added sugar to make the sweet, hot drink we know today. 10 it’s expensive, many people still love it. (2023·江苏盐城·中考真题)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使其意思完整。 Fu Ting lost her right arm in an accident when she was 3. At the a 11 of 13, she went to a sports school in Xiangtan, Hunan Province. She began swimming t 12 there. Fu Ting took part in Athens 2004 Paralympic Games and other events d 13 her years as an athlete, and won 18 gold medals. After retiring in 2004, Fu Ting decided to e 14 a university to study law. Through hard work, she graduated and worked as a lawyer. In 2017, Fu Ting set up a service group, p 15 free legal(法律的) help for the disabled. At the s 16 time, she also joined a volunteer group, sharing her life stories in primary and secondary schools, giving legal speeches in communities, in order to encourage more people to help those disabled people in n 17 . “In the face of the disabled, we should first ‘respect’ and t 18 ‘help’,” Fu Ting said. “I’m h 19 to help them with my own experience and knowledge. And I hope they can help make o 20 country better. I believe I will keep on doing that.” (2022·江苏盐城·中考真题)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使其意思完整。 I grew up in the countryside. At around 10 years old, I began to learn cooking. The first skill I mastered was making dough(面团). Since my parents often came home l 21 , a prepared dough would help my family have supper sooner. I thought it would be e 22 because I often saw my mum do it — just mix water and flour, right Not quite! It turned out to be a m 23 for a while. First I made the dough too soft. Then I made it too hard. But as I kept trying, I learned the trick. Later, I cooked fried dishes and things like dumplings and I f 24 in love with cooking. It’s a good way ... ...

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