
人教版八年级上册Unit 1-Unit 10 单元知识点课件(5份打包)

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:97次 大小:34787525Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) U.1知识点整理 人教版八年级上册 U.1重点词汇 重点单词 英文 中文 英文 中文 wonderful adj.精彩的;绝妙的 decide v.决定;选定 few adj/pron.不多;很少 try v/n.尝试;设法;努力 most adj/adv/pron.最多;大多数 umbrella n.伞;雨伞 bored adj.厌倦的;烦闷的 wet adj.湿的;潮湿的 diary n.日记 below prep/adv.在······下面 activity n.活动 bicycle n.自行车 enough adj/adv.足够的(地) hill n.小山;山丘 building n.建筑物;房子 wonder v.想知道;琢磨 difference n.差别;差异 dislike v/n.不喜爱/厌恶 wait v.等待;等候 hungry adj.饥饿的 U.1重点词组 重点单词组 英文 中文 英文 中文 go on vacation 去度假 quite a few 相当多;不少 have a good time 玩得开心 keep a diary 记日记 come up 升起 feel like doing sth 想要做某事 find out 找出;查明 take photos 拍照 in the past 在过去 the next day 第二天 too many/much 太多 wait for 等待 bring back...from 把······从······带回 keep doing sth 继续做某事 U.1知识点归纳 1、不定代词: 英文 中文 英文 中文 anyone 任何人 something 某事;某物 everyone 每个人 nothing 没有什么 someone 某人 【用法】: 1、any+,一般用在否定句或疑问句;some+,一般用在肯定句(但是,可用于表请求的疑问句中,希望对方给出肯定回答。) e.g:I didn't see anyone in the street. Would you like something to eat 2、谓语动词用第三人称单数。 e.g:There is something wrong with my computer. 3、形容词修饰不定代词,要放在不定代词的后面。 e.g:Did you buy anything special U.1知识点归纳 2、quite a few: 相当于many,后面接可数名词复数。 e.g:Quite a few students took part in the sports meeting last week. = Many students took part in the sports meeting last week. 3、buy: buy sth.for sb.=buy sb.sth. 给某人买某物 e.g:My mother bought me a bike on my birthday.. = My mother bought a bike for me on my birthday. U.1知识点归纳 4、seem: seem:似乎;好像;看来。 【用法】: ① seem to do sth. 似乎做某事 e.g:The young man doesn't seem to believe us. ②It seems+that从句:似乎/看起来好像······ e.g:It see seems that the boy is very clever. U.1知识点归纳 5、few: 英文 中文 英文 中文 a few+可数名词复数 一些 a little+不可数名词 一些 few +可数名词复数 很少(几乎没有) little +不可数名词 很少(几乎没有) 【考一考】 1.There is _____ milk in the fridge. I want to buy some. A.a little B.a few C.little D.few C U.1知识点归纳 6、too many: 词组 用法 too many 太多的 修饰复数名词 too much太多的 修饰不可数名词 much too太···· 修饰形容词/副词 I have too many questions to ask. 我有太多的问题要问。 Today he has too much homework to do. 今天他有太多的家庭作业要做。 It's much too cold today. 今天天气太冷了。 U.1知识点归纳 7、bored: 主语是人:bored;主语是物:boring 【考一考】: —The new movie was so _____ . —Yes. I felt _____ with it. A.boring; boring B.bored; bored C.boring; bored D.bored; boring C U.1知识点归纳 8、arrive: ① arrive in十大地点;arrive at+小地点; reach直接接地点 ;get to+地点 e.g:I arrived in Beijing yesterday.= I reached Beijing yesterday.=I got to Beijing yesterday. I arrived at the Lake Park yes ... ...

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