
Unit 4 Feelings story 课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:67次 大小:139593819Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Feelings Story Time Cinderella her mum died nice What do you know about Cinderella a beautiful princess stepsisters Cinderella fairy godmother the prince stepmother Let’s watch. 1. How was Cinderella 2. Why Read and find. How was Cinderella Cinderella was _____ because _____ _____. Cinderella lived with her stepmother and her two stepsisters. Her mother died when she was young. Cinderella was sad. Her stepmother and sisters were very lazy. Cinderella had to do all the work. She worked very hard, but her stepsisters were always angry with her. Poor Cinderella. sad her mum died and she had to do all the house work The prince was having a special party. The stepmother and stepsisters were very excited. They bought new dresses for the party. Cinderella wanted to go to the party, too. The stepsisters laughed at her. How was Cinderella Cinderella was _____ because _____ _____. sad her stepmother and stepsisters didn’t let her go to the party and she didn’t have beautiful clothes. sad When the stepsisters went to the party, Cinderella cried. Suddenly, she saw a woman in her room. Cinderella was scared. Then she saw it was her good fairy godmother. How was Cinderella Cinderella was _____ because _____ _____. scared she saw a woman in her room Her fairy godmother changed her old clothes into beautiful ones. She also turned a mouse and a pumpkin into a horse and carriage. Cinderella was very surprised. How was Cinderella Cinderella was _____ because _____ _____. surprised her fairy godmother helped her 仙女教母 On the way to the party, Cinderella was very nervous. When the prince saw her, he thought she was very beautiful. Cinderella and the prince danced and danced. She was so happy. How was Cinderella Cinderella was _____ because _____ _____. nervous she worried that the magic would disappear On the way to the party, Cinderella was very nervous. When the prince saw her, he thought she was very beautiful. Cinderella and the prince danced and danced. She was so happy. How was Cinderella Cinderella was _____ because _____ _____. so happy she went to the party and danced with the prince It was 12 o’clock. Cinderella was worried. She ran to the door. One of her beautiful shoes fell off her foot. The horse and the carriage were not there. Her beautiful clothes changed into her old ones. Cinderella ran home. How was Cinderella Cinderella was _____ because _____ _____. worried the magic was disappearing The next day, the prince went to every house in the city. He wanted to find the beautiful girl. When he came to Cinderella’s house, the sisters tried to put on the beautiful shoe. It was too small. Then Cinderella put on the shoe. It fitted! The prince was excited. Cinderella and the prince were married. They were very happy together. How was Cinderella Cinderella was _____ because _____ _____. very happy Cinderella and the prince were married Let’s retell. Long time ago, there was a be ... ...

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